Adrian agreste x reader part 2 final

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(Y/n's pov)
When someone nocked on my balcony doors that woke me up and gave me a mini heart attack.
Also made me jump out of my bed.
I screamed in the panic knowing that someone was outside my house.
I coughed and went straight for my carving knife i sometimes use, it was a military knife so I didn't use it often.
But it does scare theives.
I pointed it at the doors and said.
Then i saw it was chat noir and said looking at him.
"Chat noir!?
(I got up and walked to the doors to open them.)
You gave me a heart attack".
He then said lowering the knife in my hand.
"My apologises my lady,
(His ears twitched and his teasing smile disappeared.)
Wow, your heart beat is speeding up way to fast".
I toke a deep breath and chat noir pulled a chair up and sat me down and said.
"I only ment to nock lightly".
I rhen said.
"You did, im just a deep and light sleeper, when there's someone i don't know is in my room or outside, I wake up just like that".
Chat noir held my hand and said smiling lightly.
"Sorry ill remember that for next time.
(He seen the bandage on my neck and said.)
What did the doctor say"?
I then said.
"Its not deep, itll heal, i just need to keep this bandage on so I don't think of it".
Chat noir then said seeing my sketch book.
"Ah you work for as a fashion designer, for mister agreste".
I then said.
"Adrian, he actualy said i could start in a couple of days later than i was supposed to".
Chat noir then said
"Good guy".
I noticed that changed his behavior and i placed a hand on his.
He looked at me and he smiled at me.
I then said.
"Something tells me you know him, but you don't have to talk about it".
Chat noir then said seeing the way i noticed.
His staff rings like a phone and I said.
"Im guessing ladybug needs you".
Chat noir put his staff away and smiled and said.
"Your probably right, but right now you need me".
I smiled and said.
"So, chat noir hu?
He then said.
C/n meowed and i turned to her and when she saw chat noir she hissed.
I thdn said.
"C/n be nice".
C/n still  came over growling.
I then said picking c/n up.
"Now you young lady need to chill.
(I held chat noirs hand and c/n calmed down and watched.)
Chat noir is a friend, he saved mommy and to her to the hospital see".
I touched the bandage and c/n looked at it and then to chat.
Chat noir then said to c/n.
"That's right little c/n".
She then began to purr as she let chat noir pet her.
I then said petting her back.
"She's never let anyone close since she began to walk.
(I looked to the portrait i had made of her when she was just a kitten.)
I found her in a cardboard box outside my house when i used to live here.
(I felt my hair line for the scar.)
Something happened the day before and i lost my memorys, well parts of them any way.
But what happened earlier, i fell like-".
Chat noir then said holding my hand.
"You remember but you cant put your finger on it"?
I nodded and i said
"When i got back to my apartment from the hospital to pack and move back in with my mom so i could recuperate, i found this box.
C/n was asleep and so little, that's what sparked a memory, but it was fuzzy".
He muttered under his breath.
"So that's why you left".
I turned to him and he said seeing i heared him.
"We used to know each other, when om the rare occasion i see you on patrol, you pass the pet store and look at one cat in particular".
He pointed to c/n who was now sleeping.
He then said.
"When the doctors told me you might not remember me, or anything from your life here, I knew I probably wouldn't see you again, you didn't like talking to people you didn't know and.
(He sighed.)
I couldn't go threw that again.
So I got c/n for you to see if mabey, just mabey she could help you remember me".
I look at him and I remebered that fuzzy memory.
I painted a portrait of who i saw since i could only see the face.
I then said.
"I knew you".
I went to where i stashed my paintings and pulled it out.

I went to where i stashed my paintings and pulled it out

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