Adrian agreste (chat noir) x reader part 2

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(Y/n's pov)
Alya patted my back and said.
"Maybe you should head home, get some sleep".
I then said as bark began to rummage in her scooby snack box.
"Yeah, I think ill do that".
Alya then said stopping me before i moved.
"Hey, your in your pj's.
(She looked st my feet.)
Not bare foot though but your feet will hurt if you walk all the way home in those slippers.
(She smiled as she commented on the design.)
They look like bark cute".
I then said as bark looked her head out.
"What I'm a dog girl".
Alya then said smirking knowing my secret.
"Your a cat lover too y/n.
I can't name one place were every animal in a pet shop didn't cry louder for you to pick them".
I then said as i shrugged my shoulders.
"Why do you think I started my pet adoption company?
Best, friends, forever?
I can't take them all home, might as well help them find the perfect home".
Alya then said nodding as she remembered.
"Funded by the extra money you made by your boutique.
Style savvy and your fashion contest winnings".
I then said.
"You have no idea how cut throat this business became the moment i entered when i was 15".
I shivered as i remebered the closed incidences between the competiers where i used to live in C/n in America.
Thankfully no one got close enough when i started winning.
My talent rivaled Gabriel, eventually surpassed him when I never lost.
Even against him when i participate in the international fahsion contest.
He was surprisingly a good sport when he lost, more than once he lost, his reputation was deflated alittle.
But he congratulated me every time.
The last time he offered me to come to Paris.
Though i said no, the mayor of Paris called my mother the next day and offered to pay for everything.
I contiued my fahsion designing career while being a student.
In top of that i was a miraclous hero.
Now that I'm out of college, running my boutique and pet company, on top of that im also still patrolling as a miracoulous heroine.
Though Gabriel was arrested, my reputation hasn't been damaged.
I then said.
"Its a mirical how I didn't even break all these years".
Alya then said.
"Yeah, your rich and beautiful.
It's strang you are single".
I then said.
"Now of the guys I met strick my fancy.
(Thought that was a big lie, Alya smirked knowing it.
I then said the truth.)
Plus chat seems to keep scaring them away when I'm ever in civilian or hero form.
(I rubbed my eyes.)
Though I don't think he knows, it get increasingly annoying".
Alya then said as we walked to her car.
"Maybe that's a clue in itself?
(I looked at her and she said.)
Think about it, his behaviour changed right around when you and ladybug thought it was gabreil, of course you were alittle hesitant, but you were right but at the time he tricked everyone.
Chat asked you to stay behind".
I then said.
"A cat like a dog?
(I then said.)
Alya cats and dogs fight alot, and that the ones that don't like each other.
There are cats and dog that get along and those that like one another.
If you haven't notice chat isn't the easiest guy to work with".
She then said.
"Because he cares about you, you being the stubborn bull dog you are right back.
You can take care of yourself yes, but that won't stop him from fearing that he might one day lose you".
As i got in the passenger seat I asked.
"Then why doesn't he tell me".
Alya then said as she buckled up and drove to my bouqtiue.
"Its complicated, it may seem easier to us.
But when we're on the other side-".
I raised my hand and said.
"Yeah, i know.
(I then said.)
I like chat, more than i admit.
(I narrowed my eyes at her as she gets to reframe from proudly smiling, and failing.)
But I like adrian too.
I can't choose cause i don't want to hurt them".

She then said as we pulled up at my place
"You won't be hurting them.
Get some rest, you have a huge business to run.
(She looked at me concerned.)
Maybe take the day off".
I then said as i pointed to the sign on my store.
"We are closed on Tuesdays and wensdays Alya.
Bff has many employees handling the day to day.
I sign the paper work needed.
Im good to go.
Now you go home, your outfit you ordered should be there by this after noon for date night".
She then said
"Thank you".
I then said as she drove away.
Bark snuggled in the warm book of cookies and i smiled.
I got inside and locked the doors of the boutique.
I pulled out a small cushion that i made into barks mini dog bed.
I placed her on the counter and said as i looked at the time.
"Well, even on my days off i cant sit by while inspiration strikes".
I went to the back room of the boutique, pulled out a few box's of men's cloths from each brand.
I set it on the floor then went back for the female atire.
I then said as i pulled out the luxuries black dress with a slit on the right side.

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