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I am SO SORRY. I just didn't do. I do not have an excuse I just... didn't and then suddenly it had been however many weeks it's been.

But I haven't abandoned this story which makes me very happy because this one feels like I'm actually going to finish it! I hope that makes you happy too lol. ANYWAYS


also sorry again


The guard on the left raises a steel baton, but Natasha is quick. She lunges, kicking the other guard out of the way in the process, and wraps a wire around his neck. The first guard squirms for a minute, and then lays still. 

"Did you..." I ask in horror.

"He'll be fine," Natasha says, "Come on, this way. Clock's ticking." 

I breathe out slowly and run after her, trying to be as quiet as possible. She darts in and out of hallways and we don't see anyone for about a minute. Then we reach a part of the building that seems to have more cells. Doors with special locks and guards swarming the halls. 

"Stay with me," She whispers, then throws herself at the first guard. She takes him out as easily as if he were a mannequin, quickly working through the guards until it's just her and three others. I would think three is plenty, but her face is perfectly calm. 

I stumble backwards as one of them lunges at me and squeezes my neck in the crook of his elbow. 

"Natasha," I squeal out. She turns immediately. 

"Surrender or she dies." The guard who is currently cutting off my air supply says. I can barely hear him through the blood pounding in my ears. 

"Fine by me," Natasha says. Without looking behind her, she aims a disk at one of the other guards, who falls to the ground clutching his stomach. 

What? I must have heard that wrong. She can't hate me enough to-

Through the fog in my brain I hear an electrical hum. And then a gasp and the grip on my neck loosens and I fall to my knees, clutching my throat and panting. Colours burst in my vision and I think I might pass out, but then Natasha grabs my arms and pulls me up. The guard who was choking me now lies on the ground, glaring and cursing, cradling a stump of an arm.

"You okay?" she says. "Let's go."

We take off down the hallway again and I start to see windows. Small, with thick glass and bars, but this must mean we're on the edge of the building. There's got to be a door somewhere. 

Natasha keeps her hand tightly around my wrist and practically drags me through the corridors until a few more unconscious guards later I see a small cement door marked DUMP.  Natasha turns her head to give me a quick smile, then casually blows up the keypad with a tiny little disk from who knows where. 

The door falls open and we step out into a small alley. A huge truck with a back like a garbage truck sits parked in the narrow space. The huge back isn't quite shut, and something is poking out of the space. 

Natasha hurries us along the alleyway and out into a painfully open expanse of cement. She skids to a stop and then runs back into the alleyway with no explanation. 

"We have to wait," she says. "Sit here, don't move. If we're lucky, and it looks like we are, those cameras can't see us."

"There are cameras?" I ask, breathing hard. "They would have seen us running before!" 

She's Not Alone    (WandaNat Highschool AU)Where stories live. Discover now