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Natasha: Hey steve and I are going to see a movie you wanna come?

Wanda M: yeah u sure hes ok with that?

Natasha: Yup totally

Natasha: Can we pick you up at 6?

Wanda M: sounds good see u then

Wanda M: :)


"So what movie are we seeing?" I ask as I get in the car. Natasha's waiting for me in the back like she did for Bucky's party so long ago. 

"The theatre is doing their yearly showing of Dirty Dancing. Steve's a sucker for romance movies, we go every year."

"I see," I say, looking sideways at Natasha. "Steve's a sucker for romances."

"Big softie," Natasha says, biting back a smile.

We find our seats in the theatre just as the previews are ending. Most of the people here are older couples, but there are a few middle schoolers here on what look to be awkward first dates. I sit on Natasha's right, with an empty seat on my other side, and watch the movie. 

I've already seen Dirty Dancing of course, but it's just so good that you can watch it an endless amount of times. It never gets old.  

I catch Natasha smiling during the scene where Baby and Johnny are dancing in Johnny's cabin and lean over a little. "You sure it's just Steve who likes romance movies?" I whisper. 

Natasha smiles and rolls her eyes. "Maybe I'm not so sure after all." She puts her arm around my shoulders. "Is this okay?"

I nod and rest my head on her shoulder. "This is okay." 

The air always smells different after a movie. The night is cooler, the sunsets more beautiful, and you have something new to think about. Usually that new thing is the movie you just saw, but my new thing is Natasha. Her arm around my shoulders was okay, right? There isn't some sort of rule we're breaking? Because if we're being honest, it's the happiest I've been in a while. It felt right. 

After Natasha's dropped me off at home and I'm lying in bed later that night, all I can think about is how safe I felt in her arms. 


Natasha and I do friend things now. Even more friend things than we did before. I feel like she's trying to convince me she's a good friend so I'll think she'll be a good partner and we can go back to dating. I don't know what to do anymore. I want to date her, I really do, but I feel like the right thing to do for both of us is let everything process before we get back together and cement our problems into our relationship. I don't know. Maybe it's too late for that and I should just throw caution to the wind, drive over to her house, and kiss her like we're in a movie. That does sound very appealing right now, but I know it's not something I would ever do. That's more of a Natasha move. 

But anyway, now that I'm doing more friend things with Natasha, I start getting closer to her other friends. Steve is the sweetest- he's like the living embodiment of puppy dog eyes and I can tell that if I had met him before Bucky he would have taken on the mom friend role in my life. 

Clint is something- he's got a surprisingly dark sense of humour, but I find it hilarious. 

I haven't hung out with either of them one on one, but I'd say I'm pretty close to both of them. It feels nice to round out my friend group. With the school year ending in a couple of months I'm glad that I talk to each of Natasha's friends enough that I think we'll stay in touch over the summer. I hope so. 

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