Chapter 1

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Wisheye walked through a dark quiet forest to find a place to call home. There was a warm area next to a a lot of trees and he decided to rest there with his only kit, Dappledkit.

Dappledkit lay next to Wisheye and fell asleep next to his big fluffy fur. Wisheye smiled and licked Dappledkit's head.

"We'll be searching again tomorrow. Right now, we should rest." Wisheye softly mewed.

He heard Dappledkit's purring as he went to lay down on his side. He then noticed a swamp far behind one of the trees he was looking at, then noticed another place next to the swamp with a river that separates land.

Wisheye then closed his eyes and went to sleep.


Wisheye and Dappledkit settled at the mushy land near the swamp. Dappledkit scurried to the river and started drinking the water quickly. Wisheye followed.

"It's really fresh!" Dappledkit mewed happily as he continued to drink rapidly. Wisheye chuckled. "C'mon Dappledkit, Didn't you say you wanted to help me out with the dens?"

Dappledkit stopped. "Yeah! Let's go, let's go!"

The hyper kit ran over to many dark green bushes and paused next to a giant one. Wisheye came after.

"This will be our nursery." Wisheye claimed. "Why don't you make a Clan here, dad?" Dappledkit's eyes sparkled.

"I didn't even get a chance to get my apprentice name either!" Dappledkit complained. Wisheye sighed and looked at Dappledkit. "When so get the dens finished, I'll make our Clan.. WishClan." Wisheye smiled.

Dappledkit's eyes filled with glee as he ran in circles and all over the camp. "Yaayyy!!" Dappledkit squealed.

"Calm down, Dappledkit. Let's go get materials." Wisheye meowed.

Dappledkit nodded and went after his father.

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