Chapter 2

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Wishstar took Dappledpaw to a small pond where three she-cats stood.

"New friend!" Dappledpaw jumped in glee. Poppypaw shivered and backed away from the hyper tom. "Dappledpaw, meet Dawncry. She's both Poppypaw and Lilywhisker's mother."

Dappledpaw's eyes sparkled. "More friends!" He shouted. Lilywhisker smiled for a little and looked to Wishstar.

"We.. come from another Clan named FlameClan." Lilywhisker claimed. Dawncry nodded and sighed. "My mate, Bumblewillow, died during the run here." Dawncry looked down to Poppypaw.

"Hey, Poppypaw? Can you go play with Wishstar's kit?" Dawncry whispered. Poppypaw looked at Dappledpaw as he smiled.

"Okay..?" Poppypaw gulped. She walked towards the tom as her mother started talking to Wishstar. "Hi?" Poppypaw greeted.

Dappledpaw grinned, "Hello there! What's you're name?" His tail started to wag.

Poppypaw wanted to back away again but she didn't feel like making him sad. "I'm Poppypaw.. aren't you Dappledpaw?" She greeted back.

Dappledpaw nodded. "Here! Let me show you our territory!" Dappledpaw ran away to WishClan's main camp as Poppypaw slowly followed.

Wishstar walked into camp with Lilywhisker and Dawncry. "There's the warriors den. You will stay here whenever you need to sleep or just.. calm down." Wishstar claimed. "Hunt at anytime, just please be careful..."

The she-cats nodded and entered the den. Dappledpaw and Poppypaw ran into Wishstar on accident. They stopped giggling as they looked up to him. "Hi daddy!" Dappledpaw mewed.
"I made a new friend!"

Wishstar smiled as he heard more cats by the border. More cats so early? He thought. "I'll be right back." Wishstar walked to the riverside border.

"Oh, hi! We're not disturbing you, right?" A brown tom greeted as he smiled at Wishstar. Wishstar shook his head.

"Wait! You're the leader of a rogue group, right? Could me and Red join?" The brown tom asked.

Wishstar thought for a moment and then nodded. "Well then, follow me."
My books are garbich!!!!!!!1!1!1!!1!

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