the beginning

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"child." my father exclaimed.
"yes, father?" i looked up at him. i was kneeling down, bowing my head at him for he is who we learned to love. the whole kingdom.
"it is time you received your abilities, yiara." he said. my name echoed through the white pristine palace, and my father's servants kneeled. i stood. my father got up from his nice, cloud throne and picked up a silver-blue crown.
"we hear-by announce yiara neri as a god!" my father exclaimed and everyone else sang a song in our language, nerekian.
we celebrated and had fun in my name, and i got sent to training.
i was a prodigy. i was wonderful! at least that is what my trainers had told me. i could control the winds and how to go in and out of god-mode like a light switch.
once i turned 23, my father pulled me aside from my birthday party and whispered in my ear, "i need you to find the secret."

me vs finn: the battle of the secretWhere stories live. Discover now