Chapter 1 - Link Start!

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You heard the school bell ring. The teacher dismissed everyone and you left very quickly. You flew through the halls very fast, earning yourself many dirty looks from different people. You said 'Excuse me' or 'Sorry' to as many people as you could. You even ran past your friend. Your only friend, Haruaki.

"Woah (Y/N) where you going?!" You heard him shout. You looked back for a split second and made eye contact,

"Sorry Haru, I'll call you later!"

You kept going until you were outside. Train? or should I run home? You thought to yourself. Well it is kinda rush hour and people would take FOREVER. But I do live far away....

At the end of the day you choose the train and was home twice as fast as you would running home. When you opened the door, your father left a note for you,

(Y/N), I'm away on a business trip. I left you with enough food and money for 3 days, in which I should be back by then. Riku should be over to check on you. Love you,


You sighed and sluggishly walked upstairs. It doesn't surprise you that he's gone. He's always gone. It's not that he's a bad father, in fact you love your father more than anything since hes pretty much all you have. Your mother died in a robbery when you 11. Your father has taken care of you alone since then, and you really appreciate that. He's always away because he owns a huge business, thus the reason your really wealthy. You don't flaunt it though. In fact nobody has been to your house before, not even your best and only friend Haru.

Riku is the maid. She's kind of like a nanny as well because she help raise you along with your dad. She was like a second mother to you, and you were really grateful for her as well. But anyways back to what you were doing.

You went up to your room and shut the door. You fell on the bed and checked your phone. Not for any texts or anything.

Well... actually you were expecting Haru to text you. Truth be told, you secretly liked him a little bit.

Haru: You okay?

Me: Yea I'm fine, I was just in a bit of a hurry.

Haru: A bit is an understatement, fast and pretty, wow.

You blushed a bit at that one, thank goodness he wasn't there to see it

Me: Well you know me, just full of surprises. Anyways text ya later

An with that note, you put your phone down and looked over at your NerveGear. It seemed as if it was just yesterday that you filled out the application for the beta test and got sent it and the game Sword Art Online. Today is the big release of the game, so it would be open to everyone. You were so excited! Even though you were really shy, and only had one friend, in the virtual world, you were totally different. You were brave and confident, and you weren't afraid to approach people, or actually talk.

You smiled to yourself an took of your school uniform and quickly slipped into some more comfortable clothes. You gently placed on your NerveGear and plugged it in. You layed down.

"Link Start", you said calmly and a bit quietly.

~Yea you know the flashing lights and the confirmation and the username and password~

Welcome to Sword Art Online

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