41 - Scars

810 17 96

Triggers: Swearing, deep topics

It's taken me a while to finish this chapter because I kept rewriting it over and over again... Every time I started, I didn't think it sounded right. To be honest, I still don't know if it sounds right. I hope you enjoy the last chapter of Scars <3

(The Epilogue will technically be the last chapter)

Listen to some sad music in the background to enhance the experience :)


Johnny's POV 

Still Saturday, May 14; 12:09 p.m

"He wanted me to tell y'all that he uh... loves us."

A cold chill crossed my spine as I shot up from the hospital chair. "He what?" I asked Two-Bit, in a sense of urgency. Everyone had looked at me as if I was crazy, like I was going insane just then. Everyone except Tru.

She looked at me like she knew exactly what I felt, once the memories came rushing back to her. "Dallas..." She mumbled under her breath. The fifteen year old girl started to shake.

"He loves us?" Two-Bit responded to me again. "What?... I don't get it."

And with those final words, I took off running out the hospital room door and down the hallway. I ran like I never ran before.

"Johnny- What the hell?!" I heard Steve call out from behind me, but I ignored him. Running past the hospital rooms and trying my hardest to dodge nurses, I turn the corner. Once I passed by the waiting room and shoved open the front doors, I began to skip the front steps down, and out of hospital property.

"Shit, shit, shit." I mumble to myself, already out of breath. My heart started to beat faster and faster as my Converse collided with the cement street. I was running to the Curtis house.

I knew I should have listened to Dallas. I knew I should have checked up on him; and recognized what he had really been trying to tell me. Two-Bit's message from Dal' was all too familiar, and my body rose with adrenaline just thinking about that one conversation at the beginning of the year.

"What would you do if you knew it was your
last day on Earth... You wouldn't tell anyone you love them?"

That line. It was always that line. It had hit me not too long ago that the seventeen year old boy, in fact, didn't know we loved him as much as we did.

"Johnny!" I heard Ponyboy cry out my name from behind me. Turning my head, I saw the kid sprinting forward to get to where I was. "Johnny, what's wrong- what's wrong with him?!" He didn't slow down, but he was out of breath like me.

"Dallas is gonna pull some shit!" I cry out, turning the corner between Picket and Sutton street. I yelled to the fourteen year old boy as he continued to chase me. "We gotta get to him before he makes a fucking mistake!"

Once I looked back again, I immediately saw Darry and Two-Bit turning the corner as well, also running to us not far behind. Instead of slowing down for them, I picked up my pace even more, sprinting past all the houses and down the neighborhood.

It felt like barely any time passed by just when I ran up the front porch stairs and flung open the screen door to the living room.

"Dallas!" I screamed, tears running down my face. "Dallas! I'm here! I'm here!" I ran into the kitchen frantically, checked the hallway, looked into the bedrooms, all while shouting his name as loud as I could. Ponyboy came running in behind me. My throat hurt. I was starting to ache all over.

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