Meeting the God

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King Fran Petty W is awake. Karl Everson wakes up after dying.

King Francis Petty W apologizes, "I'm sorry for you living such a terrible life. Cancer and everything."

"Terrible life? I had a wonderful life with my wife. The only regrets that I have in my life is that my life with her ended too soon and I wish I could have met her soon," Karl says.

"True...Hey, to make up for giving you cancer. How about I give you a chance to have an entire life with your wife?"

"You would do that?!" Karl asks.

"Of course, in fact your wife asked for the same thing! She'd love to!" Francis says.

Karl says, "I'd love that!"

"What kind of world would you like to go to?" Francis asks.

"Any world with my wife is great. But maybe like a wonderland," Karl answers.

"checked, your wife wanted to go to a fantastic fantasy world. You can both go to the same world without having any problems," Francis says.

"This is so great. Thank you! Thank you so much!" Karl thanks.

Fran Petty pats his head and says, "Congratulations, you are very lucky."

Fran points and says, "Pass that plague doctor and you should enter your new life."

Karl Everson smiles as he heads past the plague doctor.

Doctor Bella Graven Allure waves and says, "Careful to not enter the other place, it's the bad place."

Karl says, "Oh, thank you."

Karl waves back before going to the good place.

Karl enters a bright light and is suddenly a baby in his new mother's arms. The baby stretches out their cute little arms as they get used to this new, smaller form.

Miss Newman says, "I'm so proud of you, little boy!"

The baby doesn't understand the words but the tone of voice sounds excited, so the baby smiles happily.

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