Our new lives

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Xena Whimsheart asks, "Chance Newman, if we got married again which last name would you pick?"

"Well, Newman is a nice name but I'm used to being Mr. Everstone. Would you like to be Mr. and Mrs. Everstone again?" Chance asks while smiling at Xena.

"Chance Everstone? Xena Everstone.... Hmmm, how does that sound to you?" Xena asks.

"It sounds amazing," Chance responds.

Chance kisses Xena's lips softly. Xena Whimsheart kisses his lips.

"Sounds like you want to be Mrs. Everstone," Chance says with a smile.

Xena Whimsheart chuckles a little then smiles before saying, "I want to be with you...I don't care about the name because I'll have you."

"And I'll have you, as my beautiful, lovely wife again. Should I plan the wedding, my darling?" Chance asks.

" I'll help too, I'd love to have our family come to this one since no one showed up to our last one," Xena says.

"That sounds great. Before nobody showed up, now we have our two new families to show up for our new wedding," Chance says.

"Should we tell our families now or after we plan everything out?" Xena asks.

Chance says, "Let's surprise them."

"Chance?" Xena asks.

"Yes, dear?" Chance asks.

"Should we have a wedding like on our world or one like on this world?" Xena asks.

"What are weddings like here?" Chance asks.

"My mother said she and my father went to the local church and bathed in alcoholic fruit juices then had a great feast of meats and bread? Did you ever ask your mother about her wedding?" Xena asks.

"I didn't, I kind of assumed weddings would be like on our world. But that sounds way more fun. Would you like to have a wedding like that?" Chance asks.

Xena excitedly says, "Sure!"

Chance smiles then says, "Then it's a plan! We'll just have to decide on a day."

"Why not the original day we had our wedding?" Xena asks.

"That's a great idea. I'll never forget the day that you and I first got married," Chance says.

"I know we didn't have any guests and we were dying of cancer and the cake was terrible but I'll always look at that day with joy," Xena says.

Chance says, "Any day with you is a day of joy."

"I couldn't agree more!" Xena says.

Chance smiles and kisses Xena. Xena Whimsheart kisses him deeply, Chance kisses Xena passionately. Xena Whimsheart is passionately cuddling and kissing him. Chance cuddles Xena and kisses her.

Xena Whimsheart nuzzles noses with him.

"You and I didn't get to passionately kiss like this. I guess it's a benefit of being young," Xena says.

Chance says, "I'm glad we got this second chance."

"Now we can touch and kiss and cuddle all we want," Xena says.

"Yeah," Chance says. Chance kisses Xena's lips again, cuddling her more.

Xena is feeling his muscles under his shirt as she is kissing him.

Chance stands at the altar of the local church in front of the priest as he waits for Xena. Xena Everstone joins him. The priest pronounces them husband and wife. Chance kisses his bride. Xena Everstone kisses him back. The priest gestures to them to get into the bath of alcoholic fruit juices. Chance steps inside the bath. Xena Everstone steps into the bath. Chance begins bathing himself in the alcoholic fruit juices. Xena Whimsheart is bathing in the alcoholic beverage.

The priest offers two cups and asks, "To drink from which you bathe?"

"Sure," Chance says and drinks a cupful.

Xena Everstone drinks with the cup given and says, "It tastes better than I expected."

Chance jokes, "It must be mixing with your sweet personality."

Xena Whimsheart dumps a cupful of fruit juices on his head then kisses him. Chance kisses Xena, making out with her. Xena is making out with him.

"After this, we'll have our feast," Chance says.

Xena Whimsheart smiles and says, "I can almost smell the meats and bread."

"Me too, I can't wait." Chance smiles back.

The priest says, "Your feast is ready."

Chance steps out of the bath and goes to help out Xena.

Xena Whimsheart gets out of the bath and says, "Thanks, Chance."

"You're welcome, dear," Chance says.

"Ready for the feast?" Xena asks.

"Ready, my dear. Lead the way," Chance says.

Xena goes to the long table, Chance follows Xena. Xena sits down, Chance sits down next to Xena. Xena kisses his cheek, then begins eating a bird leg. Chance smiles and begins eating some meat too. Xena takes some bread, offers him some. Chance graciously takes the bread and begins eating some. Xena puts some meat in her bread and eats. Chance does the same and enjoys the food.

"Would you be unhappy if I said this was better than our last?" Xena asks.

Their families arrive and join in the feast happily.

"Why would I be unhappy if you said that? We have two families that love us immensely and delicious food now. This is so much better. But I don't need much to make me happy. I just need you," Chance says and then kisses Xena.

Xena kisses him deeply. Chance kisses her passionately, Xena kisses him passionately.

Chance says, "I love you so much."

"I love you more!" Xena responds.

"You are the best wife ever," Chance says.

"Because you are the best husband ever," Xena responds.

Chance hugs Xena, holding her close. Xena hugs Chance close.

"Every day is going to be full of joy and love in our new lives," Chance says.

In another world with my wifeWhere stories live. Discover now