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I wrap my arms around his neck, our lips never leaving each other's. His arms are wrapped around my ribs but, he moves them down to my hips lifting me up slightly. As he puts me back down, I feel him inside me. We both let out small gasps as my head rolls back. 

"Eyes on me" Alvah says pushing my head slightly. We lock eyes and my jaw drops letting out a soft moan. His hands still on my hips as he bounces me up and down, over and over again. He puts me against the side of the pool and moves his hands to my breasts. He softly kisses all down my body stopping at my chest. 

"Alvah" I say quietly. I was nervous because last time we tried to do this it didn't end well.

"Yes" He says back as he locks eyes with me.

"I want you to go all the way.." 

"Are you sure, you know how it ended last time I don't want you to be in pain."

"Yes I'm sure, I promise. If it gets to bad I promise to tell you." 

"Okay but you have to tell me no matter what." He says back. He puts himself all the way in me and I let out a small whimper. He stared to speed up a little, and although it felt amazing it began to hurt a little. I squint my eyes shut and mumble to him.


"Sorry I didn't mean to hurt you, do you want me to stop?"

"No god no please don't stop just a little slower."

He slows himself down but still continues. Much better. 

"Are you okay?" He asks. My head rolls back and I tell him I'm perfectly fine. He picks me up and places me down on the pool floor, turns me around so the upper half of my body is bent over the pool side. He puts himself back inside of me and lets out a big gasp of air, sending goosebumps down my spine. His hands on my breasts as he's pumping himself in and out of me. I let my head fall forward, my hair falls over my face so I can no longer see anything.

"Put your head back up" He says. I pick up my head and he bundles all of my hair into the palm of his hand. He pulls back lightly, as my head goes with it. 

"Is this okay" He whispers in my ear. 

"I would love it if you pulled a little harder" I say with a smirk looking back at him. I look forward again and he pulls my hair a little harder. I let out a loud moan.

"Alvah I'm gonna come" I say with a small moan. 

"Don't stop, keep going, right there" I say as my head falls forward again.

"Don't worry I wasn't planning on stopping." 

"I'm coming" I say loudly. Alvah puts his hand over my mouth and finishes. I get down off the side of the pool, I dunk my whole body underwater and Alvah does the same, as we come back up out of the water, he pulls me in for a big hug and locks my lips with his. We get out of the pool and I check my phone to see what time it is.


I grab my bikini and slip it on, Alvah slips his shorts on, we grab our towels and head back inside.

"Would you like to take a shower with me?" He asks smiling. 

"Of course, I would love to." I say back with a smile. 

We take a shower, get out and get dressed.

"Love can we get 'Mc Donalds'?" I ask

"Of course we can." 

We get our shoes on and make our way to the drive thru. I get chicken nuggets and he gets a simple burger. 

"Do you want to park somewhere to eat or would you like to go and lay in bed to eat?" He asks.

"What if we went somewhere to watch the sunset, then we go back and lay in bed for the rest of the night." 

"That sounds amazing love."

He drives to a random place I've never seen before, I'm not even sure how he knows about this. There's a long dirt road that leads to the hop of a hill. We reach the top and park near where we want to sit, there is one other couple there, but they didn't notice us at first because they were busy smacking with their lips if you know what I mean. We didn't have anything to sit on so we just sat on the grass. We pulled out our food and began eating it while talking. The couple started walking in our direction, they were looking right at us, and for some reason I was nervous.

"Hey, my name is Ivy, and this is my boyfriend, Ezra." The girl says. She had beautiful red curly hair with greyish green eyes. She had freckles running across her nose and cheeks with a few on her chin and forehead. Her teeth perfectly straight, Her lips just the right size. Her eyebrows not to thin but not to thick. Her hips just the right size. Everything about this girl was, perfect.

We both stand up.

"Hi I'm Katherine and this is my boyfriend Alvah." I say locking eye contact with her. She was wearing a black cropped tank-top, with a long flowy green skirt that had designs on it. The guy, Ezra, was tall he had dark hair, brown soft eyes. He was wearing a black long sleeve flowy shirt and pants that almost looked like dress pants but not quiet. 

"I saw that you guys didn't have anything to sit on, and I have an extra blanket if you would like to use it." Ivy says with a smile. She holds a colorful blanket in her hands holding it out to me. 

"Thank you so much, but I would hate fir your blanket to get dirty." I say with a smile. 

"Please take it, we use this blanket for the outdoors, it always gets dirty we just clean it well." Ezra says looking me in the eyes. I take thr blanket out of Ivy's hands.

"Thank you, that's very nice of you." Isay. Alvah seemed kind of shy, which is unusual. He's never shy. We thank them again and they go back to where they were sitting. We spread the blanket out and sit down on it. 

"What's wrong you're being shy, you're never shy." I say to Alvah.

"Nothing's wrong I just got a little awkward, I'm not sure why." He says.

"Okay, well let's finish eating, then we can do whatever you feel like doing." I say giving him a kiss. We finish eating our meal and walk over to Ivy and Ezra. 

"Here's your blanket thank you again for letting us use it. That was very kind of you." I say handing her the blanket. I look down at her neck and see an amethyst hanging from her neck.

"I have the same necklace at home." I say pointing to her neck. I'm not sure why I called it a necklace most people call it a fancy name but for some reason I couldn't think of the name. 

"That's awesome, I love amethyst." She says smiling holding the crystal in her hand. We talk for about a minute and then me and Alvah leave. Just as we are about to drive away Ivy come up to our car. 

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