Chapter 26

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I woke up the next morning. I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. The swelling around my eyes had almost gone away and I almost looked normal.

I put on a black shirt and black leggings. I brushed out my hair and slid on my black converse. I left a note on Mahogany's table. It read:

Dear Mahogany,
Gone out for a little walk just need some time to think. I will probably visit Matt too. Might not be back till late.
Brooke <3

I opened the hotel room door and walked out. I got in the elevator and went down to the lobby. I walked out of the elevator and out of the hotel. I walked down the uneven sidewalk until I found a parkette. I took slow steps on the path. I found a little old bench. I brushed away the old brown stained paint chips and sat down.

I brought my legs up to my chest and thought about all the good times Matt and I had. Like the day I met him, or the day we kissed at school even though we knew each other for less then 48 hours, and the time we went on our first date. The more I thought about Matt the more upset I became. The love of my life was dying and there is nothing I could do. I snapped out of my daze and noticed I had tears streaming down my face. I quickly wiped away my tears. I stood up and looked at my phone it was already noon. I had been sitting here thinking about Matt for more than an hour.

I walked out of the little parkette and made my way to the hospital, since it was only a few minutes away.

I walked into the hospital and up to the receptionist's desk.

"Matthew Espinosa."

"Down the hall sweetie."

"Thank you."

I walked down the hall to his room. I opened the door and slowly walked in. I walked over to the chair and sat down.

I grabbed his pale and weak hand and clasped it in mine.

"Hey Matt, its Brooke. Um.. I hope that your feeling alright you made it through the night. I wish you would wake up, I miss you so much, I love you and I feel like I'm falling. Please wake up." I wiped the tears that were cascading down my face. I sat and talked to Matt for a lot longer.

I was getting late so I decided to go back to the hotel. I walked back to the hotel and met up with Mahogany and the boys.

"How is he?" Nash asked.

"Still the same." I sighed.

I laid down on the bed and instantly fell asleep.

I'm Fine //Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now