Chapter 33

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A/n: thank you so much for all the reads votes and comments. I love ur guys comments they make me so happy. Sadly this book is coming to an end. Everybody grab there tissues it's gonna be a sad one.

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4 days later.
I was finally getting out of here. My parents grabbed me some clothing and I got dressed.

"Hi, honey how are you feeling?"


"Awesome. Are you ready to go?"

"Can I go see Brooke for a minute?"

"Sure sweetie."

"Thank you."

I walked over to Brooke's room and opened the door. I took slow steady steps, since I was still getting used to this walking business. I sat down on the chair wincing, as my ribs started hurting.

"Hey Brooke, its Matt. I remember you. I'm so sorry for being so mean to you. I never meant for any of this to happen. I know who did this to you. I'm gonna find her. Please stay strong. I love you."

Just as I said those last words the monitor started beeping like crazy. Doctors rushed in.

"Stay with us Brooke cmon."


"Shocking!" They shocked and her lifeless body jolted.


They kept doing compressions and shocking her but nothing worked. The monitor made a flatline sound signalling she is dead.

"I'm calling it."


"11:11 am August 11 2015."

"No, please."

"Mr. Espinosa were so sorry."

Tears started cascading down my face. My mom came up behind me and pulled me into a hug.

"Mom, the love of my life is dead."

"It'll be okay baby."

"Matt!" The boys yelled.

"She's gone guys, someone unplugged her breathing machine she's dead."

Mahogany, Cameron, Gilinsky and Shawn dropped to their knees.

Fifteen minutes later, Dawson came running through the hospital doors.

"Matt what happened?"

"She's dead." I blankly said.

Dawson faced the wall and punched it, leaving a huge whole in the wall.

"Family of Brooklyn Giovanni?" The nurse asked.


"Please sit down."


"Your sister was murdered." The nurse said looking at Dawson.


"Someone came in and unplugged her breathing machine."

2 hours later the police arrived and took us down to the station.

They asked plenty of questions and got plenty of answers. I still couldn't believe she died. How was I going to tell the fans. I brought out my phone and opened Twitter.

@Itsmattespinosa: At 11:11 am this morning. Brooke was pronounced dead. She was murdered. Someone unplugged her breathing machine and killed her. Why? I'll never know. Brooke was the most beautiful and caring person I have ever met. The way her accent hit every word made me smile. She truly cared for everyone and everything around her. She was 18 years old. She had her whole life ahead of her. She always told me that she wanted to grow old with someone she loved and have kids. For me, that person was her. I wanted to marry her and have kids with her. I wanted to grow old with her.
But now I can't she's dead. She will never be able to fulfil her life and dreams. I am sorry if I don't post in a long time. I will miss her so much.

"She wrote this for you." Shawn said handing me a paper.

I read it over and it was the song she wrote for me. The song she sang when I woke up. I love her so much. Tears started rapidly cascading down my face. I wiped them away.

I was gonna miss Brooke. The love of my life died. I was never gonna be happy again. There was a love I felt for Brooke that I have never felt before. There was spark. Hell, what am I saying there were fireworks. Her eyes could light up a room. Her smile would make the world exploded. I would melt every time her eyes would meeting. I missed her warm hugs and her soft, gentle, passionate kisses.

"Honey how are you?" My mom asked.

"I'm fine."

I'm so sad this book is over. I hope that you enjoyed it as much as enjoyed writing it. I know it's really sad. I will be starting a new fanfic. Imagination Shawn Mendes. Be sure to check it out when I post it. Don't forget to follow I follow back.

I'm Fine //Matthew EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now