•Part One•

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I woke up to the sound of music blasting in my headphones, my brother was already awake and smiling down on me "fuck off" I groaned rolling over to look at him, "be careful coming downstairs, mom's in a mood" he sent me a sympathetic smile as mine faded. He left my room as I strolled out of bed looking around my surroundings, I could tell I needed to clean my room but I didn't feel up to it on a Sunday morning.

I threw off my blue checkered shorts and my grey t-shirt and looked in the mirror and tilted my head while squinting my eyebrows, I shrugged it off and walked down stairs after I put on my normal clothes.

"Hey I need you to go to the store for me" my mom threw me a list as I rolled my eyes and looked at her "seriously?" I pointed to the second item on the list, "what? I miss Greg and what's a better way to then-" James immediately stopped her mid sentence, "gross, gross!" He covered his ears as I rolled my eyes and smile at him.

I grabbed my mom's wallet and keys and locked the door on my way out. 'i wonder if there's any acting jobs around here?' I pulled out my phone as blasted girl in red as I exited the garage bouncing my leg to the beat.

As soon as I stopped my car in an almost full parking lot I looked around seeing a lot of cameras flashing around a car with what looks like people my age just trying to get out of the parking lot. They must be famous or something because these lunatics are surrounding them, I saw the look on their faces which made me decide to do something.

"OI YA FUCKIN LUNATICS, CAN'T YA SEE THEY ARE TRYING TO GO ABOUT THEIR DAY, SO HOW ABOUT YOU ALL GO OFF AND MIND YOURS!" I yelled at them, I hated seeing people in uncomfortable positions so whenever I saw people feeling uncomfortable I always feel the need to pop in.

The paparazzi took one look at me and then them, about 90% cleared off while the remaining stayed, "didn't ya hear me?! Or do you need me to call the police to make you hear me?" I heard a few mumbles as the rest cleared off without taking one more photo.

I rolled my eyes at the men as I turned to the car of six people as they just looked stunned, I couldn't help but notice a certain red headed girl in the driver's seat. She sent me a thankful smile as I just simply waved and smiled back before walking off to the store.

God some people just piss me off sometimes.

Sadie Sinks POV

We ran back to our van in a hurry while being chased by people with flashing lights, once everyone was in we locked the doors and stared the car but it was to late, the paparazzi were standing around us blocking our way out yelling things. They were asking questions about stranger things season 4 and if Lucas and Max are still going to be together after the break up.

We just wanted our doughnuts but these people are making it very difficult.

Behind the massive crowd of people I could see a brunette girl March up to them and started shouting. We couldn't quite tell what she was saying but she was yelling at them. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was even though she looked angry.

"Finally a descent human being" we watched as they all left, the girl and I locked eyes for a second as I sent her a great full smile she waved and smiled back before walking off.

"Okay new favourite person" Millie smiled as Noah slapped her "Ow?!" She turned back and aimed to hit him again as we all laughed and started to drive off.

Who was she?

Her Skin Not Mine .Sadie Sink✓Where stories live. Discover now