Chapter 1) Chances

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Raika stared longingly into the stain glass window that was their bathroom mirror. His hair had grown so long in the past month. The shaggy brown hair had slipped almost past his neck. And his eyes, they were a very sharp green. As green as the grass in the late spring.

Water sputtered out of the faucet. Raika threw his hands into it, letting the cold liquid pour over him gladly. He quickly slapped the gathered water over his ragged face. It sent shivers down his spine.

Then he felt two hands grab onto his shoulders. He twisted around suddenly only to discover a cheery brunette giving him a concerned glance.

"Did you stay up again, Raik-y?"

Raika rolled his grass green eyes. "I thought I told you to stop calling me that, Tessa."

Tessa frowned, "You're my big brother. I'm supposed to tease you."

He looked at Tessa seriously for a second. His eleven year old sister was still in her raggedy pajamas. Her chestnut brown eyes still had bags under them. And of course, she still wore that same bracelet made of metal that was shaped like a seahorse.

She had always wanted to see one.

"So did you?" She continued.

"Did I what?"

"Stay up!"

Raika nodded after rolling his eyes once more. He went to stretch, flexing his shirtless skin.

"Uhh, ok! I'm out!" Tessa hurried out of the open bathroom door looking nauseated.

Raika chuckled, it had been a month since he had been home. Everything seemed like it hadn't changed a bit. Except for him of course, who had grown very toned and strong at his time over in the Legacy Training Camp for up and coming guardsmen.

Raika hoped and hoped to get stronger everyday and the results hadn't been too bad. Although his belly was still slightly chubby. Nonetheless, he made it through the three long weeks. A task that for some that would be pretty arduous.

He arrived soon after downstairs where his mother and of course, Tessa were stationed at the table. In their bowls was the same crud he's had for breakfast since he was one. The "delicious and nutritious", as his mom put it, oatmeal.

"Hey Raik-y!" Tessa began. Raika gave her a snide glare but she continued nonetheless.

"...guess who's been promoted to admiral!"

Raika sat, looking lost. He had no clue. He naturally thought she was speaking of him but, he wasn't even ranked. Never mind a soldier.

"It's uncle Stephen!"

Raika glanced at her sideways, "Wow..."

His mother rubbed her mouth lightly with an old cloth trying to show some poise. "Something the matter, Raika?"

He shook his head, "No. Just thinking about dad, and how proud he'd be to hear that."

"I know Rai..." She finished rubbing her lips and sat up quickly. "Well, if you two don't mind. I have to go do the laundry." She turned and went for the door, then paused.

"And Raika, there's a fresh stack of logs outside."

* * *

His mom had lied, they weren't exactly fresh.

Most of them were damp from spending time in the mud. Others were wet from rain. And some them had made homes for the some creepy crawlers.

"Home sweet home..." He mumbled to himself.

* * *

Raika wrestled with the solidity of the oak for at least two hours. At his feet were blocks of wood diced up like strawberries except for the few that had splinters still peeking out of their frame.

Tessa sat meters away hulking down a poorly made sandwich looking uninterested. Her hair was down now spun into a bob. Just like a spider egg, the little strands poking out just like unkempt webs.

"Tessa!" Raika called, sweat pouring from his brow intensely.

"Tessa!" He called again,

She turned on the second shout. In her hands was a wooden doll carved so delicately in looked like a piece of art. Raika froze and thought longingly of their father. The memory froze him back to better times.

When he had shorter hair. Tessa was only as big as his arm. And when they all worked in unison as a proud and spirited family. Even though you couldn't see it, Tessa and his mom hid demons inside them. That frightened Raika most of all.

"Yes Raik-y?" Tessa asked, now close enough to hear Raika whisper.

"Oh. Right. Yeah... Umm can you help carry the wood inside next to the fireplace?"

Tessa surveyed her brother for a minute until she smiled her smile. "Ok! Last one there's rotten dung!"

Tessa quickly jumped towards a mostly clean block and hefted it both hands held out. She looked like the little brawny brother Raika could've had as she hobbled her way over to the cabin house.

"No fair!" Raika yelled, hefting two blocks as quickly as he was able. Then he too trailed towards the house, a smile wide on his face. He could feel his green eyes twitching with compassion. Today was a good day.

Raika came into distance of the home when he noticed a soldier riding a horse come into position of the front doorway. His eyes aimed at Tessa who instinctively dropped her wood and raced to meet him.

As Raika came closer and closer he began to survey the odd features of the stallion taking up the front pathway. It actually wasn't a horse, his eyes widened with surprise. It was a centaur.

Tessa had already stricken conversation with the soldier who stayed formal with his dialogue. Raika was within talking distance when the soldier eyeballed him, as if he were the enemy.

"Raika Foster, I presume?" The soldier talking was astride the centaur wore a steel-plated helmet. His face indiscriminate. Tessa angled her head at the soldier.

"I was told centaurs are too proud to be ridden by people." Tessa interrupted, flashing her chestnut brown eyes up at rider widely.

The soldier chuckled, "He's no ordinary centaur, little girl. He's an Animagi"

"What's that?" Tessa wondered, looking confused.

Before the rider could answer Raika grabbed Tessa by the shoulders much like she'd done to him that morning. Except of course, she wasn't shirtless.

"Tessa. The firewood, please?" Raika nodded towards the block shed dropped into the dew-stained grass. Tessa sighed and approached the log.

"Alright!" She yelled, the log piece already in her outstretched arms as she made way to the back door where the fireplace was closer.

"I'm Raika Foster?" Raika answered, hefting his arm like he was answering a question at school.

"Thought so" the soldier mumbled, "You're practically the only adolescent I've seen around these parts."

Raika nodded. "Yeah. Not exactly a lot of people in my year who live here."

The soldier nodded, and with that the small talk had subsided. "So do you know why I'm here, Foster?"

Raika shook his head, "Whys that...-err, sir?"

The soldier got off the magical centaur for a moment, shocking Raika who stumbled out of the way.

"Do you know what an Animagi is, Foster?"

Raika shook his head. "No, sir."

The soldier shook his head. "Well, my name is Lieutenant John Jesse. And if you're serious about becomin' a member of the Companions you best know what that is..."

Raika's eyes beamed, "You're going to make me into a Companion?"

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