Chapter 4) Light

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"Who the hell are you?" Raika hissed, his eyes desperately trying to adjust to the blackness.

Atsuki tssked, "You don't remember her?"

"Remember her?" Raika mused. "I can't even see her!"

The girl in the shadows chuckled. "Then you should be glad I'm not that "yellow-eyed beast you two have been talking about, else you'd be chow."

Raika flinched at her voice. It was like a whip, and sadly for him it was crackling with electricity. His eyes suddenly adjusted and a distinction between the dark and the person clicked into existence.

She had long hair with color the same as the shadows. Her tanned face and skin burned into the background. Between her white pupils was black pockets of obsidian. She definitely looked like the devil's daughter in the shade. She wore a light wool coat for warmth. It was black with purple highlighted material.

"I remember..!" Raika said, astonished at his own mental reflection. "You're Kalein.."

The raven haired female grinned. "It's been awhile, Raika. Atsuki." She nodded, dipping her slightly when saying their names.

The memory came flooding back of the three of them when they were nine. They'd all gone on a fishing trip to the northern lake almost thirty miles from Kellell. There they caught buckets of fish, all different sizes and colors. But something was wrong with that memory. It was tainted somehow.

Raika flinched again, "What happened at the lake again?" .

Even Atsuki's eyes widened at the question. "You seriously don't remember?"

Raika shook his head. "It's not even fuzzy. It's just blank. I know something happened though.."

Kalein shook her head, her black tendrils of hair swooshing back and forth like a swing. "Owin drowned that night."

The name hit Raika like a punching bag. He saw a small child no older than nine, scrawny and small. His head started hurting fast.

He remembered that Owin was a spirited kid. Of course, one of his childhood friends. The same as Atsuki and Kale. He was young yet very generous. He didn't desire much of anything. As long as the kid had water, three meals a day, and people, he was joyous and delightful.

But that day they'd all gone out to Astral Lake to fish and swim dawned on him. His dad was still around then, which made it even harder to want to remember. And Tessa, she was too young so she stayed behind and was babysat by the neighbors. It only left the four of them, his dad, Atsuki's mom, and Kalein and Owin's parents. They were all like one big individual family.

And the area itself was in the northern province of Kellell. Indirectly, it was connected to the Galactic Ocean. And on the outskirts was a canopy of the tallest trees you'd ever seen. At night, it was even better.

Then he saw him, Owin. His blonde hair was still short as it has been. His legs even shorter like a scrub that never slept, thus never getting taller.

His face shimmered with gratitude, he was thankful for that day. Thankful to be out on the beach taking in the sun, trees, and sea.

Owin laughed as his dad hefted him up towards the heavens. His face looked like a star itself, emitting a personification of one. Owin would've turned out to be such a good man. A loving soul, and a protecting soldier. Raika himself saw that.

Shivers ran down his spine, snapping him out of his memory filled trance. The dreamlike state collapsed along with Owin. Although, he knew what would happen.

"-you even doing here? Were you following us?" Atsuki garbled, sweat now blanketing him. He looked exhausted. It was probably two in the morning by now.

"Maybe." Kalein smirked. "I wasn't gonna let you two get off on another adventure without me, was I?" Kalein piped up, hands now on her hips.

"How fars that site?" Raika ignored them, pressing himself in between.

"I told you" Atsuki sighed. "When you reach that periphery to the north, it's only a little further.

Raika nodded, his feet beginning to stomp into action and he took off. For once in his life he wanted to be alone. Owin's death now weighed heavily on his shoulders. He didn't feel like being around any of them. He could only think of the Companions, how they'd judge him if they knew he had killed someone.

So he started walking, ignoring the sounds of his comrades.

The truth was, Raika was ashamed of himself. How could he not remember the death of one of his childhood friends? Did he bonk his head a few weeks afterward? Because it just didn't make any sense.

His shoulder tensed up as he felt motion. He turned, expecting Tessa even though he knew she wasn't even miles near him.

Kale greeted him with nervous eyes. The black windows of solitude. The wind began to pick up just as it had before. Her hair shifted into motion, it's tendrils uprooting from her hair like grass.

"How much do you remember of the last nine years?" She said, beating on her hair to stay in place. Atsuki was a few feet behind her looking disgruntled. Raika turned away quickly and sprinted a little forward. Even Kalein's compassion wouldn't break his silence.

Further ahead Raika spotted something unusual. When he spotted it, all his frustration faded backwards. It was a log cabin made of aged oak. A fire pit was conveniently placed near a river that ran lengthwise. The trees behind it popped scenery that poked out near the windows.

Atsuki sighed, "Its a bit shabby, isn't it?"

Kale's eyes beamed like twin jewels. She jabbed his right side with her elbow, "Shabby like my ass!"

Raika's rage quickly evaporated with Kale's comment. Atsuki and him looked at each other slowly until they were both snickering like children. The laughter ensued until Kalein's hands were clenched sunset red.

"What? My ass is plenty fine!" Kale hissed, her cheeks puffing like balloons.

"Whatever you say, Kale." Atsuki laughed.

The cheery mood of the three gradually got better as they piled under the unlit paper lanterns hovering above the cabin doorway. Inside was a long Easter themed carpet that ran the length of what would be seen as the living room. A puke green couch stood off the side Jet black chairs on the other.

Kale gasped a deep breath and propelled onto the couch, front first. Atsuki ran to a room off to the side probably looking for something.

Raika stared arrows and bullets at Kalein. She was rolling around on the couch like a cat trying to find a comforting position. Finally, she did. Her legs were tangled up against other. Her arms wrapped around her chest with her hands clasped below her head.

"Night..." She cooed, her eyes promptly shutting.

Atsuki walked back in the main room, his hand latched on to a sheathed blade.

"What's that for?" Raika wondered out loud.

Atsuki smiled sharply, "Hunting, of course"

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