entrance exam

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So eri has been training physically with shinso while training her quirk with aizawa for 2 years

And soon is the entrance exam to ua

Eri: and my chance to find izuku

Aizawa: eri! Are you ready?

Eri: y-yes I'm ready I'll be right there!

Eri wraps up her arms and puts on her pink jumpsuit and runs downstairs to where aizawa and shinso are waiting

Aizawa: alright you two, you've trained hard and today is the day it pays off, exam day, I believe you both and I know you'll do great

Shinso: thanks dad

Eri: t-thanks

Aizawa: alright let's get to the car, I dont like late people

Eri: wait were mic?

Aizawa: already there, he gets way to excited about this thing

They walked out to the care and drove off to ua

Shinso: you excited eri?

Eri: huh? Oh um yeah

Shinso: nervous

Eri: yeah, but I'm just lost in thought

Shinso: I'm sure you'll do great

Aizawa: oh I just remembered, were starting a dorm system, so when you get home pack your things, you have to walk, I'll be busy with the exam

Eri: but what if I dont pass, I'll pack my things for nothing

Aizawa: you will pass, I know you will, and if I find out you slacked of and didnt pack, you'll be training none stop until ua takes you

Eri: y-yes sir

Shinso: alright, we there yet?

Aizawa: yes

He said pulling into the parking lot

Aizawa: alright I'll be watching from the observation room, so make sure you go all out

The 2 nodded and they all exited the car

Mic: finally! Let's go!

He grabbed shinso and eri and dragged them away

Aizawa: alright then

Mic dragged them all the way to the auditorium where a few kids were already, mainly the high class and punctual kids

Mic: ok here your seat numbers, you'll be separated for both tests so you cant help each other, good luck

He ushered them away and they went to take there seats

It took almost a half hour for everyone to show up so that mic can get the show started

Mic: heeey! Are you guys ready to be hero! Can I get a yeeeeaaaaahh!

The room was completely silent

Mic: betrayal, and my my own kids too, anyway! Your test is under your chairs! It's a short and hard quiz about every major thing you need to know to be a hero! You have 3 hours to complete it! Time starts now!

They all start working on the stack of papers they were given

There were so many different subjects but eri didnt find any too difficult due to nezu teaching her

She finished a little early and decided to to relax for the last bit of the exam

Mic: and that's time! Your test will be collected after you leave so please leave them on your table, hate for anyone to get disqualified over it

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