oh no

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Eri slowly opens her eyes cracking the gunk that had built up as she slept

She sits up slowly ignoring the pain as she cleans out her eyes

Eri: h-hello?

Rg: oh, eri your awake

Eri: what happened

Rg: the usj was... attacked

Eri: is everyone ok? I dont remember what happened

Rg: most likely due to the damage you received, lay back down, I have some bad news

Eri: w-what is it?

Rg: I'm afraid aizawa is... dead

Eri: w-what?!

Rg: the villains had this... monster, it killed aizawa after it attacked you

Eri: I... I remember, he said it was izuku, I... I let this happen, I was supposed to save him and now I got aizawa killed

Rg: dont blame yourself, you wouldn't have been able to do anything to help him

Eri: but that's why it's my fault! I was training to save izuku and, I just stood there, now aizawa is gone because I wasnt strong enough

Rg patted eri on her back as eri cries

Rg: rest up, hizashi should arrive in a while, he'll take you home

Rg left eri alone as she cried

About an hour later eri was done and just layed in bed

The door creaked open revealing a disheveled present mic with a sad face

Mic: hey... I'm here to take you home

Eri didnt know what to say to him so she said nothing as she got ready and left with him

While they were driving mic looked distressed

Eri noticed they went going to their house and we definitely going over the speed limit

Eri: w-where are we going?

Eri mind: this is it hes gonna get rid of me, I'm sorry I didnt mean for this to happen

Mic: eri I need you to do a little favor for me

He said choking on sobs

Eri: w-what is it?

Mic: I need you to bring him back for me, can you do that?

Eri: w-what?


He said slamming his fists on the steering wheel

Eri was scarred

Mic: please

Eri: o-o-ok

Very soon they arrived at a morgue

Mic and the receptionist talked briefly before they were led into the back where a wall of lockers layed across from a furnace

Miz lurched through the lockers before he found the one he wanted and opened it

A large metal table slid out holding a large object covered  in a white sheet

Mic: please eri, bring him back

Eri nodded and put her hands over the presumed corpse

Her hands and horn started glowing as she moved over the whole body

One she was done she collapsed to the ground

Mic: hes, hes breathing!!

He moved the sheet so that aizawa's head was uncovered

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