moving forward

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Eri was currently sitting on a swing in an old park slowly rocking herself back and forth

She hasn't been home much since the rooftop

She hasn't talked to much of anyone

She doesn't know what shes gonna do at school tomorrow

Eri gets of the swing and starts walking away

Eri: are the others gonna react like they did? Are they gonna hate me too?

Eri walks around until she ends up at a beach where she sits down and stares of into the setting sun

??: may I sit here?

Eri jumps up and gets in a defense position

??: ha ha dont be frightened I wont do you any harm

Eri just stares at the tall blond skinny man as he sit in the sand

The man Pat's the sand next to him

Eri cautiously sits a little over a foot away from him

??: my name is toshinory yagi, what seems to be the trouble

(I know I didnt spell his name right)

Eri: I'm eri, and I made a big mistake and now my family hates me for it

Toshi: I doubt they hate you, what happened?

Eri stayed silent

Toshi: I get it, you dont feel like talking then let me

Eri looked toshi in the eye

Toshi: listen close cause I'm gonna tell you a secret... all might

Eri: um no, all might is big and buff

Toshi just laughed

Toshi: that is true, but every hero has a counterpart, well this is mine

Eri: so your all might

She said with a face of distrust

Toshi: I know how it sound eri, but listen, I know what happened at the usj, your friend tsu told me, how you risked your life to save them and aizawa, and how you brought back aizawa

Eri: so everyone knows huh

Toshi: only close ones, the students won't know until, later

Eri: great, they will just hate me to

Toshi: you tried to save him eri, that's never a bad thing, no matter the consequences

Eri: but the consequences was my family! Now they will hate me forever

Toshi: no they wont, they love you, you all are just going through a hard time

Eri: sure

Toshi: I have something I want to offer you eri

Eri once again looks over at toshi

Toshi: my quirk is called one for all, it's a stockpiling quirk that can be passed down through generations, and I want you to be my successor

Eri: w-what!? Why!?

Toshi: cause you my dear student, have a heart of a hero!

Eri: but all I do is mess up! And people get hurt!

Toshi: wrong! You saved 2 students from almost certain death

Eri: but I got aizawa killed

Toshi: wrong, you fought as hard as you could, and were already down when that happened, and you even brought him back from death! Now many people could accomplish that!

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