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[ just a reminder that i am qualified or in the right age to write these kind of stories ]

He didn't know how it happened but it did. He passed his finals exams. And as a symbol of celebration, Jisung, Jeongin, Felix and Hyunjin all went out to the bar to get drunk and also get laid.

Jisung knew his limits when it comes to drinking. He can't drink much or else he'll cause trouble. BIG trouble. He'll be flirty around people, he'll be saying things he SHOULDN'T tell other people.

"Come on, Jisung! I don't see why you're so paranoid. It's just beer!" Hyunjin lifted his bottle of beer and started to chug it all.

"I have really low alcohol tolerance, Hyune. I don't want to get drunk,"

"Jisung! Exams are over and there's no classes tomorrow! We deserve to enjoy, get drunk and..." Jeongin said then Hyunjin and Felix joined.


Istg, these bitches.

Jisung had no choice but to also drink. He drank six consecutive shots of vodka sitting right infront of him.

"Woah, Slow down, Jisung. You won't run out of vodka!" Felix tried to stop his friend but it was too late. Jisung was already drunk.

"Someone keep him sane or else he'll get us kicked out of this bar just because he uppercutted a child or yelled at someone," Jeongin said, sarcastically.

And not even five minutes after he chugged all the vodka, he was already out of his mind.

"H-HeYyyYy!!!" Jisung shamelessly tried to flirt with a random man at the corner.

"Hey. You're drunk, where are your friends?" The man asked.

"M-my fr—who?"

"Your friends. Wait, are you alone?" The man asked.

"N-nooo..." Jisung walked away but stumbled. Luckily, the man caught him.

"Woah there, cutie," The man said.

"My name's not cutie, it's Jisung!" Jisung drunkenly said.

"Well, Jisung, you ARE drunk. You need to go home,"

The man didn't know who Jisung came with nor knows where the boy lives so he decided to just bring him to his apartment.

"W-Where...are we?" Jisung squinted his eyes, trying to determine where they are.

"We are in my apartment, cute drunk boy. You can sit in the sofa or lay in my bed, I'll make you something to sober you u—," The man was cut off by Jisung pulling him close.

"I—what are y—you doing?" The man asked.

"What's your name? Hmm?" Jisung made a cute confused face which made the man chuckle.

"Minho. Lee Minho." Minho was about to escape Jisung's grasp but was once again pulled close by the latter.

"Lee Minho, hm. V—Very husband material. Do you want to be my husband, Lee Minho?" Jisung asked, letting Minho go and walked away while giggling, not even waiting for Minho's answer.

Right. Whenever Jisung is drunk, he'll say whatever he's thinking. Not even hesitating in saying those things.

"Nuh-uh, You're not going anywhere," Minho was now the one to pull Jisung close.

"Wha—," Jisung looked at Minho in the eyes, vision still blurry.

"You look like you want to fuck me..." Jisung giggled at the thought. ( ew wtf 😭 )

"It's because I do want to fuck you, but as much as I want to, I can't," Minho said, letting go of Jisung and heading to the kitchen.

"Well, you have my consent to do it," Jisung just said out of the blue, making Minho stop his actions.

"You're drunk. You'll just regret it tomorrow," He then proceeded to head to the kitchen. "The bedroom is the one on your right. You can rest there and I'll make you food,"

Jisung went inside the room on the right and saw the biggest bed he'd ever seen.

Jisung jumped onto the bed and fixed his position so that he can rest.

"Hey, Jisung, the food's rea— Oh, he's already asleep," Minho smiled at the sight. A peaceful sleeping Jisung.

"Cute," Minho chuckled at himself.

He went closer to where Jisung was sleeping, sitting beside him. Minho started to brush Jisung's hair using his fingers, slightly caressing his head.

"You look to innocent to even know I actually want to fuck you,"

Minho layed his head on top of Jisung's and drifting off aswell.

"Maybe next time, cute drunk boy,"

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