Hour 3

556 22 3

Quackity's pov

I can't believe I've been stuck in this elevator for 2 hours, it's felt like it's only been a few minutes. It's probably because I'm with Wilbur, granted we haven't known each other for even a day but when I'm with him it feels like time is moving at light speed.

I don't mean that in a romantic way.

I don't like him.

But...it's nice just being with him, talking to him made this situation 1000 times better then what it could be and he has a nice face too. Not to mention how he makes my heart rush, and derails me entire train of thought-

Okay maybe I do like him.

Yeah I like him a lot...

"Geez Alex get a grip." I mumbled to myself, ducking my head in between my arms and legs.

It's hasn't even been that long and I've already fallen for someone. We'll probably be strangers again once we get out of here.

"Hey." Wilbur sat down next to me. "Feeling tired?" He poked at my cheek

I peaked my head out to look at him.

"You can rest you head on my shoulder if you want." He offered.

"Shit." I sighed.

"Is that a no?"

"...no it's not." I hesitated. "I like you, like really like you and I know it's stupid because I barely even know you but because it's you specifically it doesn't...feel stupid? I don't know." I rambled.

"Wow that's quite the tactical flirting, my heart totally just skipped a beat! You sound like a romance novel character!" He laughed.

"Hey I'm being serious this time!"

"...well I guess you should know that I'm not like this with everyone, not even my closest friends so." He brushed my hair behind my ear.

I could feel the heat rise to my face.

"And you said I sound like a romance novel character?!" I fussed. "Wait does this mean-!"

"We'll see," Wilbur went to check his phone. "it's only been 3 hours after all~" He grinned.

Wow. I'm really head over heels huh?

6 Hours [qnf ff] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang