sorry lol

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I'm discontinuing the story bc idk what to write for the last 3 chapters anyways here's how it ends:

"I wonder if help has arrived yet..." Alex pondered.

"How long has it even been since we called the-" Wilbur was interrupted by the elevator suddenly shifting before moving downwards.

"Well, I guess that answers my question."

Before they knew it the elevator stopped at the lobby, the doors slowing opening. There stood firemen, and electricians wrapping up their things, ready to leave as soon as they knew everyone was safe.

"6 hours." Alex said, looking at his phone.


"I was stuck in there with you for 6 hours."

"Really?! It doesn't feel that way at all." Wilbur laughed.

"Most definitely, man that was probably the most fun I had in a pains me to have to part ways."

"Well, I mean it's currently 12:03 PM and the buses don't start running again until 6..." Wilbur mentioned.

"Are you suggesting...?"

"To be with me for 6 more hours? Yes, yes, I am." Wilbur grinned.

"Then I will gladly take that offer." Alex signaled the newly fixed elevator, both him and Wilbur stepping in as soon as the doors opened.

As they watched the door close a thought appeared in Wilbur's mind. "What if it breaks down again?"

"Well that's another 6 hours I'm perfectly fine with spending with you." Alex smiled adoringly at him.

"Glad we're on the same page." Wilbur smiled back, intertwining his hand with Alex's.

The end.

6 Hours [qnf ff] Where stories live. Discover now