Opening Crawl & Prologue

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A galaxy divided! After the rebel victory over the forest moon of Endor, and the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the GALACTIC EMPIRE fractured into various warlords and systems fighting for control. In the wake of the Empire's infighting, the newly established NEW REPUBLIC launched various counterattacks on various Imperial sectors. 

GRAND ADMIRAL THRAWN, the last surviving officer of his rank however, successfully managed to unite a majority of Imperial Fleet under his command. Under his command, the Empire retaliated swiftly, pushing back the Republic's offensive until the Chiss' demise at the hands of his own assassin.

With Thrawn gone, his second-in-command GILAD PELLAEON took control and moved his forces to the Outer Rim. There, he realized the only way for the Empire to survive was to make peace. In the treaty that followed, the New Republic recognized the newly reorganized IMPERIAL REMNANT as a sovereign state, in return, the Remnant did the same.

But in the wake of this new peace, divison still remains. The HUTTS controls its millenia-long criminal empire of sectors. In the Outer Rim and fringes of the Unknown Regions, the PENSATAR ALIGNMENT wishes to usurp the Imperial Remnant, and remove the New Republic. In the mid-rim, the clans of MANDALORE, while enjoying their new relations with the Republic and Jedi Order, watch as the division grows more. Finally, the CHISS ASCENDANCY looks on at the current state, hoping to gain power for their own survival.

But the newest threat to appear, is that of a mysterious object in the Republic and Imperial capitals of Coruscant & Bastion. A mysterious GATE...


Coruscant, the center of the known galaxy, capital of the New Republic

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Coruscant, the center of the known galaxy, capital of the New Republic. A entire planet that is one gigantic city. A center of trade and commerce, politics, and above all: history. Originally called Norton, the 'unofficial' home world of the human species. Then the the capital of the Old Republic, the heart of democracy and the Jedi Order until its takeover by the Sith and the Galactic Empire. Then finally into the hands of the New Republic.

The war between them and the remnants of the Empire continued however until peace was achieved. The Empire, now named the Imperial Remnant, moved their capital to the planet Bastion, and instituted democratic reforms. As for the Sith, they retreated deep into the Unknown Regions, presumably lost forever...

But peace doesn't last long, as a normal day went on for Coruscant and Bastion was suddenly turned into a massacre when two mysterious 'Gate' opened up on each planet. Then, out of the blue, legion of Roman-like soldiers, horses, and dragons poured out and began to pillage and burn the area around the Gate. They captured civilians and anyone who was unfortunate to be found by them. But they were subsequently forced back through the Gate by the Imperial Military and the New Republic Defense Force.

GATE: And Thus the New Republic & Imperial Remnant Fought ThereWhere stories live. Discover now