Recon and Surveillance

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The Pentastar Alignment.

One of few surviving warlord states from the fallen Galactic Empire

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One of few surviving warlord states from the fallen Galactic Empire. Run as a corporate dictatorship, the Alignment's goal is to one day topple the Imperial Remnant and become the new successor to the Old Empire, albeit in their own way.

The leader of the the Pentastar Alignment, Grand Moff Ardus Kaine was in his office and as he and his advisors evaluated the all the information regarding the Coruscant-Bastion Incident.

"What the hell does the Republic and Remnant think they're doing?" Kaine muttered is disgust, "They moved entire divisions across both Gates and box themselves in like a bunch of Banthas waiting to be slaughtered!"

"They're first mission is simply to evaluate politics, sir." his advisor stated, "They're only interested in controlling certain areas."

Kaine couldn't help but chuckle, "You've got to be kidding! They're missing out on all the fun! The Republic and Pelleaon's rump state have stumbled upon a gold mine of untouched resources. Material, livestock, even manpower for crying out loud. They're just gonna let it all just sit there!? That's does no good at all! What a waste of potential!"

Kaine sighed as he regained his composure, "How about this? We already have spies on Bastion, why not send them in?"

"That may not be a good idea sir." his advisor warned him, "Other star systems outside Republic and Remnant control are hoping to allow both factions to uh, 'drop the ball on this'. The idea is to allow both the Republic and Remnant to simply fail on their own this time."

"Interesting." Kaine muttered, "Well then we don't want to get dragged down with them. Plausible deniability is a good friend to have..."


Alnus Hill was slowly being transformed into a working base of operation for both the New Republic and Imperial Forces respectively. Slowly but surely a proper base would be completed in time. Construction crew were already forming defensive walls in replace the makeshift defense from the battle days ago. While a series of landing pads were being created to hold not only the T-47s, but also T-65 X-Wings and TIE Fighters, when they arrived from beyond the Gates of course.

But now, with the threat of Alnus Hill gone for now, and both the Republic and Remnant solidifying its position in the Special Region, the time of exploration was now.

Within a makeshift base in Alnus Hill, Jackson, the NR soldier who examined the aftermath of the Allied Army's defeat, stood before his commanding officer, Jodo Mars.

"...With this in mind, we need intelligence to decide future policies. Investigating their political base, religious faith, what king of industry is the most prevalent in this world are currently at the top of our fact-finding mission."

Jackson smirked, "Well that sounds like a great idea. Best of luck to whatever dummy gets that job."

"Congratulations dummy, its all yours." Mars retorted, surprising Jackson

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