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"Oi Mitsuya!" Mikey called over, sucking on a pretty pink lollipop whilst waving his hand in the air to catch the lilac-haired boy's attention. "What took you so long?" He said, putting his hands into the pocket of his pants.

Mitsuya apologized. "Sorry, had to get someone to cover my babysitting job," the boy sighed before joining the rest of the gang. 

It was a small group that consisted of 6 middle schoolers. There was Mikey, Draken, Pah-Chin, Baji, Kazutora, and Mitsuya. Mikey was the leader of this small gang with Draken by his side and the rest following behind. Every day was never a bore. Every day there was always something interesting to do. Every day, there was always fun with Mikey and the rest of the gang.

"Hey, Mitsuya, how did you even convince your mom to let you go out?" Mitsuya looked to his side and made eye contact with a pair of sandy-brown eyes and short black hair. "Oh, Kazutora. Well- I didn't exactly tell her I was leaving-"

"Eh!?" The whole gang exclaimed in unison, putting a stop to their walk around the park.

"Oi! Mitsuya," the taller blonde called out as he put his hands on Mitsuya's shoulders, shaking him violently. "You didn't tell your mom where you were going!? Who'd ya even get to babysit your sisters!?" Mitsuya wiggled out of Draken's grasp before putting his hands behind his head to continue his walk leisurely. 

"Relax. I convinced my cousin to babysit them for me. I was willing to pay her $10 for the rest of the afternoon." He explained. The rest of the gang stood confused.

"Who?" They asked in unison.

"Mitsuya, you never told us you had a cousin," Baji commented walking fast to close the space between the two. "Well, you guys never asked so what was I supposed to say?"

"Do you even have $10?" Pah-Chin asked whacking Mitsuya in the back, causing him to yelp out in pain. The lilac-haired boy turned around, rubbing the pained area. "I do! My mom gave me an allowance and I'm giving it all up to hang with you guys so ya better be grateful," he spouted, pouting whilst crossing his arms.

"Wow, Mitsyua giving up his money for us? What a great guy." Mikey said patting the taller on his shoulder with a calm smile. The lilac-haired boy shrugged it off and continued his walk with the rest of the gang, talking about normal items on their agendas: school, home, the future, the gang, and the plans for the rest of the week. However, this all came to an abrupt stop when the main 6 were met with an obstacle.


Mikey hummed in question and peeked from behind Draken to see what was up. All he saw was just some teens in black matching leather jackets with big red kanji characters for "Red Swords" and their cool motorbikes. What the others saw was completely different. What they saw were scary upperclassmen who would beat them to a pulp without a second thought. 

Mikey could feel everyone being tense and tried to make the environment lighthearted by watering down the situation. "Oh. They look cool," he stated, admiring them from afar. "Yeah.." Pah-Chin replied.

"You guys aren't scared are ya?" Mikey teased. Everyone felt a shock up their spine and nervously replied to Mikey's comment.

"W-we're not scared! We were just uh...admiring how cool they are!" Draken stated, trying to sound as convincing as possible. Mikey laughed, making fun of the faces they made when he called them out for being scared.

"They might look scary but I bet they suck at fighting. I bet we could beat them." smiled Mikey. Everyone's tension slowly faded as they became more comfortable and confident, but it wasn't enough to completely lift their spirits.

"We should probably leave.." Kazutora suggested as the rest of the gang followed his lead. Mikey shrugged and followed along also, disappointed that they couldn't hang around longer to see what the Red Swords were up to but also disappointed that there weren't any fun conflicts to partake in.

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