10: have you ever asked a beggar?

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have you ever asked a beggar how does it feel to beg? perhaps you dare not.

maybe you suppose, ignoring them is the best way to say that you don't have a penny (as if it's always what they want and need), or perhaps yes, if they're sitting on a tons of gold; already. (and everyone feels so invested on their indeed inspiring story.) honey, although how many times you water them commendations from your script, you're still a mosquito not a bee-you can't dissipate their nectar of hope so you suck sweet rewards they sweated from the work you'd thought shameful and do spread insecurity.

they're probably everywhere, surviving with a petty tags on their name-a juvenile delinquents, facing the outside world 24/7, (i've heard you!). not unless you've been witnessing inhumanity and here they are, not even a ghost but an invisible dust in your eyes. conducive attire isn't their thing, they have to forge themselves as deserving. prostrating till someone vindicate: they're inauspicious (a dope reason for not trying to put your foot on their patchy slippers).

if you're blabbering they're indolent for relying upon your few coins; for the endeavor that couldn't full them; for a decent act y'all smirched as they dirt their sinless flesh; for the ingenious idea that as long as their limbs are functional, you don't have to move. on behalf of homeless folks who burned, froze, famished, killed on the road, free me to feed you some curse of their resentment!

have you ever asked a beggar how does it feel to beg? perhaps you feared to fathom that you're also one of them. a beggar of attention, love and care, money and food, time and recognition. it's awful, a worst situation that everyone will probably experience and for sure, everyone hates to walk on it-before you beseech, you lower your pride; you let your guards down; you will become dumb, pathetic to the point that some of them will see you as a psychopath.

we are all beggars, you know that from the start but why you ignore them when you know that before you beg something, it takes a lot of courage to ask for it?

have you ever asked a beggar? ask yourself

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