25: tree of light

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by some chances, maybe you have suffered and tied up on the trunk of your ever-expanding mind. perhaps, your body has already been tangled by the chains of creepers that just emerged as it grows uncontrollable if you continue to fight off. who would not oath their own light of tree if you are like a limp caged in it with a broken bough of thoughts, dull leaves of expressions, inedible fruits of dreams, weird branches of insights and deep twigs of beliefs?

but should you blame the roots of your brain for being ineffective and useless or it must be the gardeners who water you with too much expectation and high pressure as on the other hand they are lack of supports and care. they even cut your stem down because they only see how flawless you have been compared to the verdant plants next to you. yet, they can just leave marks of wound for you are constant enough.

for me, it is not the way your roots function nor in the hands of inappreciative gardeners. you can not absolutely censure the one who planted your faith and you can not impute any factors affecting your life for no one's fault to be the kind of seed of what you came from; to be yourself now. it only matters on how you nourish your heart despite of all scourges of circumstances you get through; on how you help by producing oxygenated love.

i still believe there is a season for you where you can bloom uniquely. always remember that leaves have its photosynthesis. you have yours too thus trust its process.


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