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minho sighed as he watched his brother walk away with his bodyguard. felix goes for long horse back rides when he's upset. minho looked at his own bodyguard, "can you make sure those two will be alright? Mother and Father had you be promoted to head knight for a reason." the head knight, who's name was chris, nodded before walking in the direction of felix.

minho walked to the throne room, needing to talk to a messenger boy to relay a message for his brother. the messenger boy heard foot steps and turned, seeing minho. the messenger boy bowed to minho, "need any help, your highness?" minho nodded, "i need you to relay a message to the vampire princes." the messenger boy grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, "okay, your highness. what would that message be?" minho smiled, "it needs to be addressed to prince jeongin."

the messenger boy nodded and wrote down what minho said, word for word, before looking at the king, "okay, i'll deliver this right away, king." minho nodded, "thank you." he said before walking away to catch up on more responsibilities. the messenger boy began his travel to the vampire princes' kingdom.

~~~meanwhile: with felix.~~~

felix was currently in the stables, getting his horse ready before sensing chris. "chris did my brother send you?" the knight came out of the shadows, "yes, my prince. he doesn't want anything bad happening to you." felix smiled, obviously not mad at the knight or minho.

"i will be fine, sir chris. i've got my bodyguard with me, but since my brother asked you to, you can come." felix finished putting the saddle on his horse, before skillfully hoping on and looked at his bodyguard and the knight, "grab your horses and join me." the two protecting felix grabbed their horses and joined the prince for a run.

~~~at jeongins perspective.~~~

jeongin was doing his studies when the vampire messenger boy knocked. jeongin turned and looked at the door, "yes?" the messenger boy said through the door, "uh you have a message from hell." jeongin grinned and got up, walking to the door and opened it, looking down at the messenger, "can i see?" the messenger handed the envelope to jeongin before bowing and walking away.

jeongin walked back into his room and opened the envelope. 

the note said: 

"Dear Prince Jeongin, 

hopefully you come back to hell soon. you've only been gone a few hours, but your absence is taking a huge toll on felix. i think it would mean the world to him if you could visit again, or even invite felix to your castle for a few days, weeks even.

if you choose the second option, do not worry about his strength. he's actually pretty strong nd won't have to come home early to rejuvenate his strength. however that's only if he doesn't use his hellfire. his strength weakens when he uses hellfire. i'm sure you remember that day when he protected you against changbin. 

what you didn't see, because felix probably told you to leave before hand, was that he used only a little bit of his hellfire, and his strength weakened quite a bit, so he had to resort to punching the guy.

i'm not sending this letter to you as a way of getting my brother out of here for a few days, but to tell you how hes doing. please write back so i can let felix know. thank you very much, Prince Jeongin. i hope to see you soon.

~ King Minho.

so felix loses his strength when he uses his hellfire? and even though he only used a little bit that day, he still lost a good bit of strength? jeongin bit his lip and began writing a letter to send to hell. letting minho know about his plan. obviously it would take a bit before the letter got to the king, but it'll be worth it when it does. 'please be okay, sunshine..' he thought to himself before walking to the room the messenger stays in. 

once jeongin got to that room he knocked, before showing himself in. the messenger bowed to the prince, "how can i help you, my prince?" jeongin handed the letter to him, "can you please deliver this to hell?" the messenger boy nodded, "right away, my prince." and so the messenger boy headed off for his journey to hell, one goal in mind: to deliver the letter for his prince.

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