The day Ill never forget.

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Im biggest dream stan. I love dream and I always hidden this...secret from everyone around me.

I always said "yeah dream is a cool guy" but I always thought that I felt something more than a friendship. I felt love. I always put on a mask and pretend that Im okay. But in reality the shadow within me was rising taller and taller and one day... I said to someone in my class  that Im...dreamsexual.

It was a mistake. The biggest mistake Ive done.

Soon everyone knew what I felt to dwaddy dweam and what I did with all those body pillows of his beautiful body. And his...big goergous lips.

I got harassed and got called a weirdo everyday..... IT WAS HARD. THE MONSTER WITHIN ME ROSE!! And I snapped and decided to switch school.

Today is my first day.

I walk out of door with a toast and cute dwaddy dweam hoodie and I slowly approach the building. Nervous shimer crosses my spine but then I think about my dream shrine. I even got him in a jar....... for personal use of course.

I step in the building and I look at people around me. Looking at my choice of outfit approaches someone...


He changed me.

Beautiful gigantic, big, huge, enormus.......EYES! and those big fat obese lips and those jiggly Huge bazongas ....eyes in a pink swimming suit stares at me. I look at him from up to down and I notice that he is much taller than me. He could punch me and Id die.

He asks me "is that dream hoodie bozo?"

I start sweating "Y....Y...Yes......" I shamefully look on the ground as my cheeks get red as the thought of dwaddy dream. My religion my only meaning of life was now challanged by this.....GOD OF A MAN. in my mind I think

I....I fell in love. with someone... that isnt....dwaddy dream...

She looks at me again and she says with her sweet voice "ratio"

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