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Today was a good day, but God had other plans because Tendou had once again, woken up coughing. At least there was no blood. Trudging to the kitchen, he ate his dose of pain meds and went to get ready. Today was not about him.

He decided to call Ushijima instead of ringing the doorbell because he liked hearing his voice.

Wait what?!

Before he could process what he just thought of, Ushijima had already answered the call.

"Tendou, I'm coming out now."

"Ah okay, I'm already outside."

"Yes, I figured that was why you called me."

Ushijima stepped out a few seconds later empty handed save for his phone, wallet and house keys.

"You know you could have just rang the doorbell."

Maybe it was the cancer, maybe it was the fact that he was dying, maybe it was love in the air, but without thinking, Tendou had blurted out: "I like hearing your voice."

He swore he could see the gears in Ushijima's head malfunction. He sure as hell could see his.


"I said I like Rolls Royce!"

"Isn't that...a car brand?"

"Yup! Let's go!"

Before Ushijima could ask anymore, Tendou had started walking to the bus stop.

Today must have been his lucky day, because though the park wasn't packed, many people decided to have their impromptu activities today. As they walked, they came across people playing badminton, and failing horribly. And as he said he would, Tendou gave a live commentary on the game.

"And he goes for the ball, and he trips! Oh no!" It was funny, Tendou swore he saw Ushijima smile a little.

Further down, there were people using boxes and cans as drums, and people dancing to the beat. As he watched them, Tendou had an idea. He grabbed Ushijima's hand and pulled him into the group of people dancing.

"Tendou, what are you doing?"

"Dance with me!"

Tendou started dancing. Well, it was more of random wiggling and poses, but details!

"Come on Wakatoshi! You gotta loosen up!"

Ushijima reluctantly stepped closer to Tendou and started bouncing. Tendou took one look at him and started laughing.

"What? Is there something wrong?"

"You look like a stiff jellyfish, Wakatoshi!"

Ushijima looked a Tendou for a long while, then, much to the world's surprise, started chuckling. Tendou steps back, gaping at him. It was the first time he had heard Ushijima laugh. He had smiled, but never even made so much as a sniff at something he found funny. It wasn't Tendou's birthday, but it sure felt like it was. He smiled.

"I finally get to see you laugh, Wakatoshi."

Ushijima walks to Tendou, smiling. Right as he opens his mouth to reply, Tendou starts coughing. He quickly covers his mouth with his hand, turning the other way.

Crap! Not now!

He removes his hand from his mouth to see blood on it.

"Are you okay, Tendou? Is that blood?"

He shoves his hand away.

"Ahh, ah thoked on air amd bith mah thongue"

(I choked on air and bit my tongue)

"Do you need water? I saw a water cooler back there."

"Ithokay, I bwought wather."

(It's okay, I brought water.)

Ushijima nods.

"Do you want to sit over there for awhile? We can rest for a bit."

Ushijima points to an empty spot under a tree near where they're standing. Tendou nods and starts walking towards it.

He sets down his backpack and brings out a water bottle, gulping down as much as he can, ignoring the burning in his throat, forcing the water down. He then sits down beside Ushijima, who's looking around what can be seen of the park from their current position.

It's now or never.

Tendou pulls out a wrapped box half the size of a volleyball and holds it out.

"Wakatoshi, happy birthday."

Ushijima turns to him and blinks, clearly surprised.

"You got me a gift?"

"Of course I did! What kind of best friend am I if I don't even get my best friend a birthday gift!"

Ushijima takes the box and unwraps it to find an LED lamp in the design of a volleyball.

"Do you like it? I was thinking you could turn it on when you watch any matches or shows or whatever, it gives the room a cinema feel."

Silence takes over for a moment, then Ushijima looks at Tendou and smiles.

"Thank you, Tendou. I love it."

Tendou felt his heart lift at that moment. Goodness! He wouldn't mind if he died right this instant! He beams happily and throws his arms around Ushijima.

"See? I knew you'd like it! It changes colour too! Let me show you! Oh, wait, there aren't any power outlets here...you can try it out when you get home!"

They spent the rest of their time at the park sitting and talking about all kinds of things. Well, it was mostly just Tendou talking and Ushijima adding a comment or two, but if anyone asked, Tendou would say that Ushijima was definitely more animated than he had ever been.

Ushijima decided to try out the lamp when he got home. He plugged the head in and turned it on. The lamp glowed red. He picked up the button connected to the wire.

Tendou said to press this button to change the colours...

He pressed the button and the colour turned green. His eyebrows raised in slight wonder and amusement. Though he had never seen anything like this before, he wasn't lying when he told Tendou he liked it. He smiled a little as his heart warmed at the thought that Tendou had probably planned the outing for that specific moment as well. His mind then started wandering to the words Tendou had said outside his house.

"I like hearing your voice."

Thought he had asked 'what?', he heard the words loud and clear.

What did he mean by that...

He then started thinking that he liked hearing Tendou's voice as well. It was so cheerful and light, it took all his worries away and made his heart beat faster-

What was he thinking?! No! He didn't swing that way!...

...did he?


Lightly smacking his hands against his face, he shook the thoughts out of his head and walked off to brush his teeth.


Ushi be swinging ~

art by aekrn0 on twitter :3

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