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Tendou felt frozen in place.

How did Ushijima know he was here?!

"Your doctor called me. Apparently I was listed as your emergency contact."
Ah, so that's how.

"Are you sick, Tendou?"
Quick! Tell him you tripped and fell and knocked yourself out!
Tendou opened his mouth to speak but remembered that he could barely even eat anymore.
Shake your head and sign to Ushijima that you have a sore throat!
Tendou nods and looks down.
You idiot!

Ushijima digs through his bag, pulls the latest issue of Shonen Jump out and places it on Tendou's lap. Tendou looks down and nearly jumps out of his bed in excitement. He looks up at Ushijima, points to the magazine and points back at Ushijima in a question.

"Yeah, I already read it, that's why I brought it here."

As Tendou turns back to the magazine, beaming, he swore he could see stars in Tendou's eyes. As he quickly flips through the pages of the magazine, Ushijima looks at him, smiling slightly, glad to have been able to make his best friend happy, even if it was only for awhile.

Tendou hands the magazine back to Ushijima after reading it, but Ushijima shakes his head and pushes Tendou's hand back.

"You can keep it, I don't think there are many things to do in here, right?"
Tendou's eyes widen and he smiles softly, putting the magazine on the beside table. He pulls out his phone and starts typing. A few seconds later, Ushijima's phone rings with a notification.

- What did you think about the latest Black Clover chapter?

Ushijima reads the message and looks back up.
"It was good, I wonder what that girl demon wanted with the guy demon's heart."

- It's Vanica and Lucifero! And that's not even the important part, Charlotte finally confessed to Yami!!

"Yeah, but Yami didn't hear her, unfortunately."

- Yeahh, that's so sad, I hope they get together!

Ushijima stayed until the nurse told him visiting time was over.
"I'll see you tomorrow, Tendou."
Tendou nodded, waving goodbye. As Ushijima closed the door, the same nurse who told him visiting time was over approached him.

"Thank you."
He blinks.
"For what?"
"Well, Tendou-kun hasn't been this happy since he arrived at the hospital. He's been trying to keep himself occupied, but it's really sad, because I can tell that he's naturally a cheerful person."

Ushijima looks down, thinking.
"Do you know when he'll be able to get discharged?"
The nurse looks taken aback by his question, her expression seeming conflicted. Finally, she answers, looking apologetic.
"I think you'll have to ask him that yourself."
"Okay, thank you."

Ushijima bows at the nurse and leaves, making a mental note to remember to ask Tendou tomorrow. He seemed to making a lot of these mental notes this past month. Wait, that didn't matter, what mattered was the fact that Tendou was absent from practice for a whole week and he didn't bother calling him to check if he was okay.

For once, Ushijima cursed his nonexistent social and people reading skills. If he had been just a little more observant he would have noticed that something was wrong with Tendou.

When did it start? Last week? Last month? Way before that?
Wait, I should be asking Tendou all these instead of jumping to conclusions. For all I know, it may just be something minor but the doctor wanted to keep him hospitalised to monitor him, that's all.

He knew he was trying to console himself, but what else could he do? Serious illness or minor illness, the one who was sick wasn't him. If anyone had to be worried, it was Tendou. And yet Tendou had seemed so...carefree.

Miracle BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora