7 for depression

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"I asked your doctor, he said I could stay the night since you've been having so many good days."
Tendou smiles brightly, the most bright Ushijima had seem him smile this week.

- Thank you for doing this, Wakatoshi.

"What are you talking about? If you weren't here we would be living together by now."

This time, it was Tendou's turn to blush.
- I didn't know you were that kind of person ~

"What kind? Isn't it normal for couples to live together?"

- Ah, so you heard it from somewhere.

"Of course I did, or else how would I know about it? But I suggested it because it's what I would want."

Tendou's eyes widen, then he smiles softly as he signals Ushijima to come closer. He then pushes himself up and places a kiss on Ushijima's forehead. As he leans back down into his pillow, Ushijima leans forward and kisses him on the lips. Tendou looks up at him in shock, then grabs his phone.

- Wakatoshii, you almost made my drop my phone off the bed! >_<

"I'm sorry."
- I was jokingg. Goodness, who's going to help you with jokes when I'm gone?

"Only you make those kind of jokes."
- Mean T_T

Ushijima smiles and sits back down beside Tendou.
"It's getting late, goodnight."
He leans forward, placing his head on the bedside above his arms but right before he closes his eyes, a strong urge to tell Tendou that he loved him came up. So he did.

Tendou, who was still awake, tilted his head slightly.
"I love you."
Tendou smiles, but doesn't reach for his phone. Instead, he mouths it out.
I love you too.

The next morning, Ushijima woke up with a very bad feeling. The feeling like something was wrong, and he needed to get up, now. He got up and looked at Tendou, who was still asleep.

Ushijima got up and lightly put his hand on Tendou's shoulder.
His words were barely a whisper.

He gently shook Tendou, but no movement came from him. A lump was building in his throat and he knew for certain when he shook Tendou just a little harder and he saw the line on the heart monitor.

Tendou was gone.

The tears came.

Ushijima wasn't an emotional person, but that morning, he had cried until he was sure that anyone who saw him wouldn't recognize him. Before the hospital staff came to take Tendou away, he gave him one last kiss, probably the last kiss he would give to anyone.

It wasn't until he got home that he saw Tendou had left a message for him which was sent at 4 a.m.

- Hey Wakatoshi. I wish I could tell you all this or write it in a letter but I can't even speak and I can barely even hold my phone up, let alone a pencil. So you get this unromantic text message instead.
When you wake up, I'll probably already be gone, just a gut feeling. But I know that you're probably going to cry lots tomorrow, maybe even the day after that. But once you're done crying, please don't cry anymore. Not about me, at least. I'd rather see you cry because you lost a game than cry because you thought about me 4 years in the future. I'd prefer you not cry at all. I'd like it if you smiled and laughed more, it makes you more handsome :3 Anyways, that's about all I have to say.

Thank you for loving me, for being my boyfriend, for being my best friend.

Keep breaking the floor with your spikes my miracle boy! I'll be cheering you on! I love you.

He started sobbing.

August 2021-Tokyo 2020 Olympics: Men's volleybal match 12th day


The ball flies right in front of Ushijima's raised hand.

He slams it down into the opposing court
There's a moment of silence, then the crowd goes wild.

"He does it again! Ushijima Wakatoshi drives the ball home with his killer spike!"

His teammates, particularly Hinata and Bokuto surround him, cheering and shouting. Suddenly, a very familiar voice reaches his ears.


He whips his head around in a frenzy, trying to find the source of the voice. Finally, his eyes land on a figure with red hair and all background noise is blurred out as tears threaten their arrival. His eyes widen as the figure smiles.

"Smash the floor with your spikes."
Then the figure fades away and the cheering of his teammates and the crowd can be heard again. Smiling at where Tendou had been standing, he gives a determined nod and gets ready for the next round.


art by ace_coupseu on instagram

omggg i cried writing the ending T_T this story has endedd, I hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!

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