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"Wake up! We're here!" My mother nearly caused me to become deaf.

I stood up, and grabbed my things as everyone else did to get off the plane. We left the airport in a cab to go to a hotel. It was big and beautiful hotel. Way better than my house. Just saying. My mother got us all settled in.

"So what's for dinner?" I asked.

"Let's go out to eat." She said grabbing her wallet.

We decided to eat at this one place. It was kinda fancy.


As we were eating, I looked up and my eyes widened.

"Psss... psss." My mom looked up at me when I said that.

"What darling?" I yanked her down to where we were under the table,"Eleanor? What is it?"

"Dad's here! We need to pay amd get out of here quick!" I whispered.

My mother payed for the food as quick as she could and took it togo. Once I saw dad, I figured oh my god! He's going to find out the surprise. But he didn't.

Dad~ I think I'm going crazy, but I saw 2 ppl that looked just like u and ur mom.
Me~ Ur goin so crazy.
Dad~ Weird!

I showed my mother the texts and she laughed so hard. Then we layed down to go to sleep at our hotel room.


My mother fell asleep quick. But I stayed up texting Noah.

Me~ Wyd?
Noah~ I left to England yesterday. I'm with my dad till the tour ends.
Me~ Cool.
Noah~ My dad is trying to talk about me and your relationship.
Me~ Lol! Omg. What is he asking?
Noah~ So you like her? Since when have yall been dating? Your dad is even in the convo.
Me~ Woah! What is my dad saying?
Noah~ He said I can't hurt you. He loves you too much.
Me~ Tell him I lov him too.
Noah~ He doesn't know I'm texting you.
Me~ Oh. I'll tell him

Me~ I Love You Dad!
Dad~ Love you too sweet heart.
Me~ Goodnight.
Dad~ Happy Early Birthday!

Then I fell asleep.


I woke up, got ready for the concert. I also got a text message in the process.

Dad~ Happy Birthday BabyGirl! I love u soo much.
Me~ Thank you daddy! :)

I wanted to cry when I got that message. He hasn't called me 'BabyGirl' since I was in elementary school. I miss my daddy. I need my daddy. I can't wait to see him today.
Noah~ Happy Birthday Babe! :)

I finished getting ready and my mom and I left the hotel.

We drove around for a bit, amd then got to the place that they'll be preforming at.

We got our tickets out and went back stage. My dad was already on the stage saying,"Hallo England!" And stuff like that. I noticed the rest of his band wasn't on stage yet. Just my dad.

Then I heard,"Eleanor?" I turned around and saw Mikey, Noah, Calum, Scott, Ashton, and Jacoby.

"Shhhh...." I said,"I'm a surprise."

"Happy birthday babe." Noah hugged me.

"Aww. Yall are so cute together." My mother said.

Michael, Calum, and Ashton walked on stage.

Alone: A Luke Hemmings Fanfiction Part#2Where stories live. Discover now