Chapter 9

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Teja's heart began to race and brows furrowed as thoughts clamored her clouded mind the moment he drew close, staring down at her with blazing eyes. Karan's stare was entirely too intense and she wanted to look away to be able to process it properly but found that she couldn't. It wasn't the first time she was so close to someone... but it was the first time someone made her feel so strongly... so consumed. Usually, Teja was sure of what she wanted. Whether she wanted to lean in and close that gap or pull away because she wasn't so sure but over here... she could feel herself fighting. It was too soon. But she wanted it so badly. Unable to fight the hurricane brewing inside her, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Okay... this was better. Or was it? What if it gave him the wrong signal? Oh god... was she giving him the wrong signal? What if he thought she wanted him to... no. no. no. But did she want him to? UGH! SO. MANY. THOUGHTS.  

Teja was saved the energy of thinking further at the sound of his chuckle, making her eyes snap open. Karan was still there but had pulled back slightly, his lips twitched upwards in a smile, his eyes burning with humor and smugness at her reaction, all that made her face burn with embarrassment. "That was not funny."

"I think it was hilarious." He burst into laughter, not able to control himself. "Why did you close your eyes?"

She opened her mouth to respond but ended up scoffing and narrowed her eyes in annoyance, her way of covering up how she felt. It meant she pretty much gave away what she was feeling and probably expected from his side. "Because you look at me like that... that intense thing you do with your eyes... as if you're undressing my soul or something like that and I can't think properly."

Teja wasn't supposed to say it but when did she think before speaking? The moment the words were out of her mouth, she realized she had spoken a little too much. Karan too seemed surprised at her explanation, staring at her in awe and confusion. Girls usually didn't speak so much? There were these inhibitions some carried and maybe she seemed to be that type? Shy... saying the right things or bare minimum. But she wasn't. At least she got him stunned this time around. While Karan tried to respond to her words, Teja found a pillow beside her and smacked the side of his head lightly with it. It got him out of his daze as he let out another chuckle and went back to laying on his back, staring at the sky.

"You are terrible, you know that?" She spoke after a few moments of silence.

"Why? Because I made you feel...?" Karan paused and glanced at her sideways. "Did you feel it?"

Did she? Of course, she felt it! Wasn't it obvious? Didn't she sort of admit to it already? Why did he always need to have a verbal confirmation? Teja had noticed how Karan always asked her such questions... as if he wanted... needed it to be said in words. While she was someone who didn't really know how to express themselves properly without getting extra and would hope that the other person would just understand without the need for many words. She glanced at him, trying to come up with a response but ended up sighing.

They were both back to the silence and staring at the sky with Teja wondering what if he had kissed her... how would she have reacted and Karan wondering if she wanted him to. There were so many questions they wanted to ask but both were at times so terrible or so careful at expressing that they couldn't even get it out. Captivated in her own thoughts, she was pulled out of her reverie at the sudden excitement in his voice.

"Do you see that light?" Karan was pointing at the sky, his tone filled with childlike excitement. Her gaze followed the direction his finger was pointed towards, at first squinting to see what it was, and then as it became clearer, she found herself following it - a tiny beam of light traveling slowly across the sky towards the other side. Initially, Teja thought it to be a meteor... a shooting star that was following but with the way it was moving, she noticed that it wasn't falling. From the distance the movement was fast and she had to follow the light closely to keep up with the speed. In the night sky, the vision was beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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