Night Hunter

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It was around two weeks into summer, unlike the past few years where the heat was tolerable this year seemed to be more... Uhhh... Intense if you couldn't tell, survivors and PK soldiers seemed to drop like flies with how hot it started to become, of course, the heat meant the infected began to die out in the sun hell I couldn't even see any more biters out, nights were short as daylight seemed to come by at early hours, ten pm seemed to be the only time the sun wasn't out and it would stay that way until five in the morning where you could already see the sky turning a soft blue with the stars still out, but enough of that, here I am, perched on top of the tallest tower of the old saint paul church like one of those gargoyle statues, looking through my night vision binoculars I could tell that not even the infected wanted to come out, one or two howlers were around a few Biters, spitters? None but one or two I caught on my binoculars oh and just a small handful of volatiles on the rooftops but nothing to freak over about

Lowering my binoculars I looked to my left a bit surprised that Aiden was here standing up and away from the edge I leaned against the tower with one arm

"Didn't I tell you to stay at the camp?"
I asked in a bit of a snarky tone, Aiden looked at the floor and lightly dug around it was his foot before looking up at me again

"Yeah but... Ah fuck it"
Aiden threw his arms around my shoulders pulling me down to his height, pressing his face against my neck as he clung to me like an opossum baby

"I just really like spending time with you.....
I couldn't hear the last part of his sentence as he was burying his face into the side of my neck, all I could do was chuckle softly and hug him back, picking him up lightly in my arms, he was small but not too small and he was mine

"Ah... Can't argue with that, but next time I say stay you stay"
I said in a bit of a serious tone sitting down back on the edge of the rooftop holding Aiden lightly as he looked down at the infected

"Thinking what I'm thinking?"
He asked smirking with a devious look in his eyes



The volatile only got to howl once as I threw it across the rooftop, jumping up I stomped its head in cracking it open like an egg before dashing off, Aiden's hands were tightly gripping onto my shoulders as I sped to the next rooftop, barreling through a small hord of biters I knocked them all off the roof and onto the ground below watching them splatter on the ground, pushing myself off the ledge I spotted another Volatile

I shouted as I superhero landed on the cunt splattering their brains all over the concrete, Aiden was laughing pretty loudly he was having a bit of fun watching me go full on berserk on these infected

"Over there!"
Looking to where I was pointing I spotted a demolisher, jumping up I scaled the wall on all fours before jumping off them in time to catch the big ass zombie by surprise

I shouted wrapping myself onto the big bastard's back, sinking my fingers into the infected eyes as it began to howl or more like a scream in pain as I was gouging its eyes keeping my balance on its shoulders I tore the big fucks eyes out before clawing the rest of its face off, I only left it blinded for a few minutes before snapping its neck, falling on its front I only stood up and looked to see only a few biters remained and a volatile

I shouted and drop kicked it to the other side of the small river canal watching as it slammed into a light pole dying with its head glitched into the metal pole its body twitching around

"Well that's something you never see every day"
I joked as Aiden was laughing his ass off, running off I looked up to see the early rays of the sun

"Ah, shit...
I muttered already feeling my skin burn, looking around I spotted a quarantine zone, and dashing across the rooftop I made it in after prying the doors open

"Ah crap, forgot about the sun"
Aiden got off my back, I sat on one of the old office chairs in the small roof lab, I just shrugged it off and chuckled

"It's alright, you can go back to the canteen if you want"
I waved him off and spun around in the chair looking at the place more closely

"Mmmm... Not really? I don't have anything else to worry about not like I'm avoiding a major plot point in my life" (you dumb ass)
He juked and sat down on the floor using my thigh as a chin rest, soft eyes looking up at me with a smile

"Don't look at me with those eyes"
I said placing a hand on his head ruffling his hair softly with a chuckle

"You're too adorable"
I cooed like a dotting mother, Aiden's reaction was to pull his head into his hoodie like a clam

"D'awww look at you"
I chuckled pulling his face out of his hood to embarrass him more

"You're too cute"
I pinched his cheek watching his face turn red under the glow of the UV lights, he couldn't form a coherent sentence which made me laugh

"English motherfucker do you speak it"
I joked as I poked his cheeks with both of my index fingers


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