22 - In Love With The Enemy

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- Adult content warning -


Hermione felt her face turn bright red, as Malfoy put his arm behind her and asked her, if she was feeling hot. Before, she wasn't. Now she was.


"Don't you have a shirt you could wear instead? Want one of mine?", his husky voice made her stomach tingle.

"No no, I'm fine."

"You sure?", he asked with a cocky smile as Hermione felt his arm slide from the couch onto her shoulders. He literally had his arm around her again. But this time, not because he wanted to scare off some girls. Her heart was racing. He was drunk and not thinking straight. That was it.

"What are you doing?", she asked.

The blonde just sighed. "I'm watching special effects on the TV with you, Granger." He gave her shoulder a soft squeeze.

"I think you're drunk...", Hermione whispered, her voice seemed to fail on her. She could barely look Malfoy in the eye. Luckily, he was more focused on the movie they were watching now. He was so damn handsome. There was nothing in the world, Hermione wanted more, than to just wrap her arms around him and kiss him hard. Of course it was wrong and she would regret it... So she resisted.

He turned his gaze to her and her heart stopped when he leaned in. "What in Salazar's name is a mixer?"

"Huh? A mixer?", she furrowed her brows. Overwhelmed with the whole situation, she stammered: "A mixer... Oh, yes. Well... It, uhm, mixes ingredients." Hermione felt numb. In her ears, she could hear her bloodflow. It was a weird feeling and she couldn't think straight. Malfoy just grinned at her, as he noticed her nervousness.

"Of course.", He groaned with a smirk. "You're not as quick of a thinker with my arm around you, it seems like."

"You're quite slow yourself, you could have guessed that.", she replied. A mixer? Come on, it was obvious. Even for a Malfoy.

His following moan made heat rise south of her stomach and her efforts to get her shit together again, failed. Why did Hermione feel this strong attraction towards him? It almost drove her insane. She had no idea what to do or how to get out of the situation. Or did she even want to? What would happen if she just jumped on his lap and started kissing him? Would he push her away?

Hermione's brain was clouded. Being kind of drunk, tired and even a little bit desperate for closeness, was not a good combination. He smelled so good...

Draco wasn't sure, where he was going with this. He loved making her nervous and he knew damn well how to do it.

When she turned her head to look at him again and their eyes met - something weird happened. It was hypnotizing to look at her. Before he knew what was going on, he felt the weight of his body shift toward her.

As Malfoy was leaning in, Hermione thought, she might as well just die from a heart attack right there and then. Was this really happening? She watched, as he closed his eyes and she felt his warm breaths against her lips.

Hermione was the one to close the final gap between them, after he came as close as only a few millimeters away from her.

When their lips touched, it felt like an explosion. Draco had never felt anything similar to what he felt with her. All of his senses were focused on their touch. Every part of his body was tingling.

It felt so good. He started kissing her harder. She grabbed his neck, pulled him in even closer and ran her fingers through his hair, desperate for more. When he finally got the message, he lifted her up in his lap so she was straddling him. Draco grabbed her ass and pressed her against his erection. She moaned into the kiss, which teased him even more. He ran his fingers up her back under her zip-hoodie and noticed, that she wasn't even wearing a bra. Her kiss intensified when Draco's hands glided down to her hips again. He started to pull her hips into him rhythmically.

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