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Hermione felt bad, lying to her best friend like that. She had told Ginny, that she had made an early exit at the party, because she wasn't feeling well. The truth was shocking, scandalous and dirty, but she would have told her, nonetheless. If it wasn't for Malfoy, who had forbidden it, if she wanted to continue their little entanglement... And she did want to.

With the worst guilty conscience, it wasn't easy to lie and as they were best friends, Ginny could easily tell, that the story was off.

"You felt sick?"

"I... I'm sorry. I can't tell you what I did..."

The redhead rolled her eyes. "Oh great, it feels like the secret Dumbledore Horcrux mission all over again... Who's in on it this time?"

"No, Ginny I'm so sorry. It... It has to do with... Someone. I met... with someone."

"No way, you and Malfoy?", she grinned.

"SHHHH! I didn't say that!" They were sitting in the Gryffindor common room at the moment and Hermione spun her head, worried, that someone might have heard.

"Oh okay, got it. I don't know who then... Although that's the only person you were last seen with, so...", Ginny winked at her.

They didn't have classes today, although it was Friday, and Hermione spend the whole day with her best friend, not even once studying.

They were eating lunch, when Ginny sighed: "He's staring at you nonstop."

"Are you watching him?! Don't do that... Is he really?", she risked a short glimpse at Draco, who wasn't sitting next to his mates as usual. "Ginny, please don't look at him, he's going to notice!"

"What's up with the trio by the way? Why are they all separated today?"

"Ohh, they told D..Malfoy about their... 'affair'."

"Oh shit. I want to get some inside info, I think I'll head over to Theo after lunch. Want to join me?"

"Hmmm... Can I?"



As they were walking over to the Slytherin table, Malfoy watched them carefully. He was probably worried, they were going to come to him, but Hermione only gave him a short smile, as they passed him.

"Hey Theodore!"

"What's up?"

"What happened with the Silver Trio? Did you fight?"

"Did you just come here to gossip? I kinda like that. Take a seat. Both of you."


Draco knew, that meant trouble. Nott, the traitor, was going to tell them about what he had said the night before, about him liking Granger. And then, rumors would spread. But he had made it clear to Granger, that what was between them is secret. Anger and fear started to spread in Draco's body. He had to interfere.

A few long strides later: "Nott, a word."

"... we were just talking about you. Wanna sit...?"

"No, I have to talk to you - alone."

"Uhm, I was just talking to these lovely ladies here... HeeY!", he screamed, as Malfoy was pulling him up by his collar.

His protests didn't help, as Draco was determined to get him out of the situation.

"What the fuck, let go, I'll jinx you, bastard!"

Out of the Great Hall, Draco roughly let go of him.

"What did you tell them?!", he pointed his wand at Nott, threateningly.

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