Chapter 2: Pennsylvania Railroad FF1 #3931 "Big Liz"

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OK, hear me out: what if you have Big Bertha, but American and was electric? You get Big Liz.

Now, I know what you're saying: Bigboy4000, WHAT THE HECK IS THIS! Well, this is the Pennsylvania Railroad FF1 #3931, or, called by its unofficial name: "Big Liz".

This, just like the AA20, is the only member of its class. But it was built in 1917. The electric giant was a 2-6-6-2, and had a top speed of 20.6 mph, or 33.2km/h. But, what it lacks in speed, it surely makes it up in sheer power. It had a Power Output of 4,600 hp (3,400 kW), and a Traction Effort of 87,200 lbf (388 kN). But, that's where the flaws come from.

You see, while Big Liz was meant for use as an Allegheny climber it was too powerful for the couplings and cars at the time, often tearing them. So, instead, the Pennsylvania Railroad decided to use the locomotive as a banker. But even then, the FF1 was waaaaaaaaay too powerful, and caused the cars to derailed. With that, Big Liz was sidelined until being cut up for scrap in 1940.

So how do we fix this locomotive? Honestly, the problem was that the locomotive was introduced too soon, and, if it was introduced, like, in the 50s', it might have been successful. But then again, because Big Liz was mostly successful, it later paved the way for the Pennsylvania Railroad GG1s, which were so successful, that they lasted from 1934 to October 29, 1983, being one of the most successful class of locomotives ever built.

Till next time. See you later

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