Chapter 9

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Naemini screamed and clawed at the arms that held her. She hissed when their grip tightened and their clawed hand dug into her hip. "Let me go, you ass!" She spat.

"This is almost just like all the other times!" Amaimon remarked, running his clawed fingers through her hair. She jerked her head away from him.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about," Naemini hissed.

"Oh dear," Amaimon seemed to pout. "So you still don't remember..."

"Let Naemini go!!!" Rin shouted.

Amaimon turned his almost empty gaze on Rin. "Hmmm... No. I don't think I will," he answered thoughtfully. Before Rin could react, he scooped Naemini up and threw her over his shoulder. "Off we go~" Naemini wailed as he jumped into the trees. It's happening again!

"H-hey! Wait up, pointy head!" She could hear Rin call out.

"Don't leave the circle, even if you're going to die!!!"

Naemini slammed her fists against Amaimon's back, and kicked her legs into his chest. He didn't seem to even notice. "What are you even gaining from this?!" she snapped.

"Some amusement," Amaimon replied simply. Naemini glared intensely at the back of his head. She knew there was way more to this than just "some amusement."

She tried thinking of ways she get away, but the only thing she could think of was using her wings... Unfortunately, Amaimon was somehow aware of them, as he had a hand trapping them against her back with claws that threatened to tear at them if she dared to even try using them.

"Hold up!"

Amaimon stopped and turned to look at Rin who'd finally caught up. "What the hell do you think you're doing with her!?" He demanded.

"I'm going to marry her," Amaimon replied easily. Naemini choked and whipped her head around to stare over her shoulder at him. He couldn't be serious!

"In your dreams!" Naemini spat. Amaimon faked disappointment.

"Or not," he sighed. "I suppose I could just take those beautiful fuchsia eyes of hers. I have a cousin who has a penchant for the occult, and I did promise to get her something interesting..." Naemini scoffed in disgust, but Rin took the threat seriously.

"Don't-" Rin growled as he leapt at Amaimon with his sword, "screw around!!!"

A dark vibe emanated from Amaimon suddenly. "Don't screw around...," he murmured as he easily blocked Rin's sheathed and sleeved sword, " is my line!!!"

Naemini couldn't see what was happening, but she could hear a heavy impact as Amaimon shifted slightly. A grunt from Rin told her Amaimon had attacked. "Rin!" She gasped trying to wriggle around to see what had happened.

"What good is a sword if you aren't going to use it?" Amaimon pressed. "I wonder why you won't unsheathe it?" There was another more violent shift from Amaimon and Rin gasped in pain. "Please stop trying to be mysterious."

"Stop it!!!" Naemini shouted pleadingly. Amaimon ignored her though.

"She cares about you," Amaimon mused. "How cute." He walked over to where Rin was laying and Naemini managed to twist around to see. She could see Rin lying on the ground, already badly beaten up. "What's the matter? Isn't this girl important to you?"

"Drop dead!!" Rin snapped.

"Oh?" Amaimon tilted his head a bit. "Then I guess you won't mind if I tear her little wings out..." Naemini felt his claws sink into the space between her wings. She screamed and struggled to get free.

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