Chapter 1

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The last year of high school is coming to an end and your senior year has treated you well. Your hard work has paid off as you achieved good grades that are somewhat above average. Although you transferred here only about a year ago you manage to fit in a stable social circle.

The moment every high school student anticipated for finally came. The night of graduation was one of the best times you've had in your life. Everyone seemed to savour the moment and left intoxicated. The unexpected feeling of sadness flooded your mind as the loud music was drowned out by your depressive thoughts. You forced every smile during the entire event and returned sober with a painful ringing sound reverberating in your skull.

What's wrong with me? Why am I like this? These questions keep on revisiting your mind and you know something is missing. This revelation perplexed you deeply. After weeks of restless nights and deep contemplation, you convinced your parents that you'd like to take a gap year before college. During this time, you promised them you'd think hard about your future and what you would like to do.

Your final time with your friends was short-lived. June 24th was the final gathering. After sharing one last exchange of emotional encouragements and hugs, the separation began. Shortly afterward, one by one your friends begin to grow more aloof, some pursued further education immediately and departed Korea while others spent more time with their partners. Soon you have realized the friend group has disbanded. Numbers have been changed and the group chats you shared with your friends were no longer active. You began to spend most of your free time walking around parks and rivers. You also developed a strange hobby of writing stories as it was the only method to fulfill the emptiness graduation has ruthlessly left you...

The summer breeze gently caresses your face as you lean on the edge of a railing, mesmerized by the view in front. The warm sunlight brushes your skin, from the reflection you see your face and forced a smile to see what it looks like. Just as always, it looked plain and lackadaisical almost as if it was your first time smiling. You brush off the thought as your peripheral caught a shadowy figure approaching you. Suddenly, a pair of cold hands covered your vision.

"Surprise!" says an oddly familiar voice.

Startled, but you soon composed yourself and flippantly replied

"Cut it out already."

"You are no fun at all, hmph."

You turned around to greet a face you hadn't seen in a while. It is none other than Jo Yuri, one of the girls in your friend group. She was the only girl that you felt comfortable with during our high school days. Despite being close, it still caught you off-guard how enthusiastically she greeted you.

"Why are you staring? Something on my face?"

"Oh, sorry about that, but do I know you?" You jokingly replied.

Her eyes rolled as she took one step closer to me, the Iight arouma of her shampoo found its way up your nose; vanilla with a hint of rose. Immediately, you realized what you have done was odd and stepped back.

"Personal space is a thing ya know." You blushed.

Hoping she did not notice your strange action, Yuri mischievously turned around and waltzed towards the river which contrasted with her light outfit. Instinctively yet awkwardly, you followed her.

"Wait up Yuri."

The two of you walked side by side. A sudden gust of wind came towards your way, allowing her loose hair to glide freely in the air. She seems to be pleased with your company. However, it has been a while since you talked to Yuri, and you find it difficult to approach her. As you were struggling to break the ice, she turns her head to study the river and suddenly speaks up.

"This view never gets old, right Y/N?"

Yuri flashes you a dazzling smile as you reply with your own forced smile. She then giggles seeing your genuine reaction.

"Since it's been a while since we last talked, let me introduce myself again," she then cleared her throat and grinned confidently.

"My name is Jo Yuri, it's a pleasure to meet you" she exclaimed in a deeper than usual tone.

"Nice to meet you Yuri, my name is Y/N, and the pleasure is all mine" you replied in an even deeper tone as you decided to play along in her little act.

Instinctively, she shook your hand as if this was a business negotiation. You shot Yuri a silly yet serious look as she laughed out loud, no longer able to compose herself.

The rustling of the leaves accompanied you as conversations took off. You spend the rest of the afternoon under the shade catching up with Yuri. It was not until the sun began to set you realized how tired you both are. Before you had to say your goodbye, Yuri gave you her personal number and you reassured her you will reach out to her. On your way home, you felt a tingling sensation in your cheeks as you realized that the smile from earlier was still clinging on your face. It was no ordinary smile, it was a genuine smile.  

Our Last Summer {Jo Yuri FF}Where stories live. Discover now