
17 0 0


Estadio Azteca

I noticed you blocked me on instagram and on everything else. My teammates checked your account and you haven't took our photos down. The photo of us completing 3 years together. everything is still there and it makes me sad maybe it's for the best so the fans still think that we are together. i did the same. the game starts in 15 more minutes and the girls are warming up on the field the good thing is that i haven't seen you maybe you will come out soon.

5 Minutes later

They said your name......they showed the photo of you on the screen wearing a américa jersey. i went blank as the fans started cheering your name. i felt like fainting some of the fans started looking at me thinking i was going to celebrate for you. but i froze. I couldn't believe what i heard i just wanted to cry. but crying wouldn't help me. it wouldn't help the fact that your playing on my team rival, or the fact that you left my arms, left me behind, alone, abandoned, solo. you just hurt me and you came back like if you didn't do shit and act like that wouldn't hurt me your so stupid. I* am stupid for falling in love with you. How could i trust you if you never trusted me? i wanted to leave. but i wanted to talk to you, to get a apology but of course you wouldn't do that because your just a little girl who doesn't care for anyone else but herself. you knew that i wouldn't be able to handle you leaving if you told me so you did it secretly but doing it secretly but more even more. the game starts soon i just hope you see me in the crowd and noticed that am still madly in love with you but hurt because of what you did without saying anything

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