Flowing Wind

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How are you?

In the night so cold

How are you?

When there's no one to hold

In this night, let the wind flow

Let the tears flow when no one knows

Pour it out, let it flow

In this night breeze, when no one knows

Let go and flow like no one

Drift like the sand drifts with the wind

Let go and burst like no one

Sometimes, its okay to breathe unto the wind

Hug yourself when you have no one

Then you'll feel the wind hug you

Pat yourself when you have no one

And the wind will share the success with you

I know you're usually not like that

You smile so prettily, You laugh genuinely

How lonely must it been that,

You spend a beautiful day, beautiful time, painfully

In the eyes of your family, your friends

You're scared to receive love

Like the clouds above

You became dark and push them to the ends

Trapped in a dark cage of blue

Void of any emotions, but you still hope

That someone will hold you and cope

So let's flow and let the wind hold you

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