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Pride, I am the top of all
From heaven's I fall
Sitting in my throne waiting on your call
Realize, don't have anything to rule,
I regret this all.

Envy, I'm lost til P found me
Selfish, but what's yours is mine, only mine
Deadly, that it cause my life in line
As a punishment of my sin, I suffer in loneliness, happiness run away from me.

Greed, I want it all, everything
Don't get in my way, I'm capable of killing
Now, alone I'm living with all my liking
But its all fake, fake treasure, fake pleasure, people with no face, I'm dying.

Lust, Pleasure that's what I wanted
Harshly, Roughly, pleasure takes away pain
Kiss me, lick me, put me on chain
Now, I rot in a room full of thorns, symbolism of the sin I wanted

Sloth, Turn my back on the things I hate
Put them hanging, leaving my fate
Driving me crazy, they're haunting me
Now, I'm trapped in a small cage inside the infinity of smoke while turning you backs against me.

Wrath, I always let anger get the best
Violence, rage, I failed the test
Sans my emotions, I live in nothingness
Punishment of my sin, I'm empty and I'm dealing the rage by numbness

Gluttony, Always feeling empty
I eat to get away but it became a hobby
I just can't get enough of it
So I ended up caged, with mask, preventing me from consuming something, now, I'm weak and I'm living without it.


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