You are not alone.

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As George Davidson took off, he thought about all the new things he'd see, he was also tired so he decided to sleep.

When he woke up he went to check the window of the spaceship.

He saw that he had already landed.

He opened the door of the spaceship and went outside.

As he was looking around in the place he landed on.

He went back inside his spaceship and tried contacting Space Finders to tell them that he finally landed.

He couldn't contact them.

He thought maybe he'd try again later, as he was about to walk away from the monitor he heard a faint male voice.

He went back to the monitor and said "Hello? Can you here me? Its me i've finally landed but i don't know where i am."

Then he heard the mans voice again but this time he heard him laughing.

George said "This is not funny i seriously do not know where i am".

Then the man in the monitor told George that he was not supposed to be in their planet and he needed to leave.

Which George responded "It was his job to explore different planets in different galaxies".

Then the man on the phone asked him what his name was and where George landed.

George said "you can call me Gogy"then the man on the phone said his name was Clay.

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