A Friend.

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After that Clay told George that he lived in the planet alone and never had a person go there.

George was surprised that Clay was the only human in the planet.

The planet was a little bit like earth it had trees, water and food.

George told Clay that he was in a forested area, Clay knew where that place was.

Clay told George to stay where he is and wait for him.

George waited outside his spaceship for awhile, then he heard a car.

He turned his back and saw Clay inside a Space Lunar.

George went towards Clay.

Clay came out of the car and greeted George, George then asked Clay where he got the car.

Clay then responded "actually i was raised here, my parents were also from Space Finders but lost communication with them, i was going to be the first baby raised in space, but for that to actually happen we needed to stay here until i was 18, but when i was 16 my parents went out to map out the area and never came back..."

George was sad about what happened but Clay told him that its ok because it happened 4 years ago anyway.

George then asked Clay where his spaceship was Clay then responded "its not far from here, if your spaceship is still working we could fly it over to mine."

George then agreed and they both boarded the spaceship.

When they got there, George was astonished by the view.

George said that he'd explore the place for one week and he'd go back to earth once he gets a hold of communication with them.

Clay then asked if George had enough food to stay for a week in here.

George responded "there are trees and other more food to eat in here so i don't think food will be a problem"

Clay laughed a bit and said "some of the foods here are not safe to eat"

George then said "how would you know, have you eaten all of them?"

Clay then laughed and said "There are animals who don't eat specific foods here because they know its not safe for them"

George kept quiet and went to check his spaceship if their were any food and their was enough to fit him and Clay for the week.

He sighed in relief.

It was turning dark outside so George told clay to come inside his spaceship.

They talked for a bit and George started feeling tired so he finished eating fast and brushed his teeth and went to sleep.

Clay said goodnight to George, but George was already asleep.

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