My view.

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Clay told George that he couldn't get to contact Space Finders. George said "lets try again tommorow." Clay nodded his head then asked George if he wanted to have a small bonfire outside the spaceship. George said "sure, why not?" Clay went out of the barriers they set up, and took sticks for the bonfire. After collecting sticks he set them up near the spaceship.

It was cold outside so George took out his jacket and also took another jacket for Clay.

Clay finally finished setting up the bonfire. George and Clay stayed around it, Clay asked George why he wanted to become an astronaut.
George replied "Because i wanted to explore the Galaxy." Clay smiled and said thats nice.

George started getting sleepy so he went beside Clay and put his head in the shoulder of Clay, then closed his eyes. Clay blushed and kissed George in the forehead. He put the fire out and carried George inside.

Clay tucked George in bed and went to his own room and slept, Clay woke up the next day smelling something good coming for the kitchen. When he went out he saw George was cooking his favorite food which was Pizza. 

After eating, Clay tried contacting Space Finders once again, but still no response from Space Finders. George said maybe its just bad connection. They weren't really worried about anything, because they just thought it was bad connection. George asked if they could go out to travel a bit, Clay agreed and got the car ready.

They went to the places Clay loved to go to the most George took a lot of pictures, George was very fascinated with the places Clay took
him to. Three days has passed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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