Second Star To The Right

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Primal fairies are weaker to iron than normal fairies.

Nyx found that out the hard way during a patrol with Rayla. "With you being a primal. How has Fawn taken to your wolf form?" Rayla asked Nyx, who replied, "I thought she would react the way you did when you first saw me, Ray. But she was surprisingly okay with it." Rayla nodded as she saw Nyx's eyes go hard as she eyed a trap.

The snare was made from iron wire, thin but strong. As Nyx put on her gloves to pick up the wire, she didn't notice the gash in one of them.

As she picked it up, she felt the skin on her left-hand burn as the iron touched her skin. She needed to move the trap out of the meadow. "Rayla, help me with this." Rayla put on her gloves, took her position beside her, and lifted the wire, moving it away from the Autumn meadow. As they set it down, Rayla noticed Nyx's hand. It looked like it was burned as Rayla took off her leader's gloves. What she saw were blistered skin and Nyx's blood. Rayla put her hand over her mouth as the primal fairy started to fall. Rayla caught Nyx and flew her to the healers.

(Time skip)

"It's going to be alright, Rayla. Nyx will be fine." The healer told her. Telling Fawn what happened was going to be complicated. The scout nodded as she left the room.

She found her way to Nyx and Fawn's home. Rayla took a breath and knocked on the door.

The Wolf Fairy (Nyx x Fawn)Where stories live. Discover now