A Dream?

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Deku's Pov

That night once I fell asleep, I dreamed of when I and Kacchan were about to have our second fight on Ground Beta. He stood across from me on the grounds with his head down like before. But something felt different or wrong about the scene. That's when I noticed something that was between us. It looked like a red thread of yarn or something, and it wasn't just in-between us. I looked down to where the red thread led and I saw that it was tied to my pinky. I was sure that the other end was tied to Kacchan's pinky too. Suddenly Kacchan looked up and his eyes widened, probably noticing the string as well. I got the courage to call his name.


"Deku?" he asked uneasily.

I wanted to ask about the thread, "Do you see the red thread connecting us?".

He paused, "Yeah, I do."

We were silent for a minute not knowing what to say next. Then I thought of something.

"Are you actually here, like conscious, in my dream?"

He looked confused, "What do you mean, nerd?! You're in my dream!"

It was silent once again as we processed that we were here in this dream, together. At least I thought this was a dream. Kacchan raised the hand where the thread was attached to his pinky, "Deku, do you know what this damn red string is?"

I scanned my brain for what it could be. I thought about the bedtime stories my mom used to tell me, one, in particular, had piqued my interest. My face went beet red. We couldn't be... Then I almost laughed out loud at how silly the thought was. It was just a bedtime story or a 'myth' as my mom said.

"Oi, you got an idea, nerd?!" he walked toward me and the thread got shorter.

I stayed quiet and then he stopped walking. He raised the hand with the thread again and it looked look he was gonna try to explode it.

"Hah?! My quirk isn't working!" he yelled while flexing his fingers.

I rolled my eyes, "Kacchan, we are in a dream. It won't work in here."

"Tch, how come you're being all sassy now when earlier you were sweating under my glare, huh?" he narrow his eyes at me.

My face heated up, "I-I don't know, I was feeling weird for some reason..."

His eyes widened a little, "Describe it."

I waved my hands in front of my face, "What? No, it is too weird and embarrassing! Why'd you want to know anyway?"

He didn't answer and hung his head again, his ears were red.

I put two and two together, "Wait.... Kacchan, were you feeling weird too?"

"Tch, as if!" he grumbled and crossed his arms.

He had felt weird for sure.

He looked up at me hesitantly, "When did you start feeling weird?"

Before I could decide whether I wanted to tell that it was when our hands had brushed against another, I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I wondered if that dream actually happened. I looked down at my hand... The red thread was still there. My eyes widened and I tried to pull the thread off but it wouldn't budge. My eyes followed it's trail and the string went through the door somehow. I got up and rushed to see where it led, I opened the door and it was leading up the flight of stairs.

I ran and ran until I bumped into something or someone on the flight of stairs, I would've fell back if not for the arm that wrapped around me to keep me steady. I kept the hand with the thread on the railing and looked up to see Kacchan panting like he was also running around. He also had one of his hands on the railing and when I looked at it, I saw the red thread attached to his pinky. The thread was shorter than ever since our hands were right next to each other, I felt compelled to intertwine our hands.

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