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Sooyoung shouted as she barged in Dokja's room. But she didn't see dokja in his bed.

"Hey Dokja, where are you? Get ready or else we'll be leaving you."

"Hmmp..." Sooyoung heard a voice of child inside Dokja's room.

"Dokja?" Sooyoung got closer to the bed but when she got close she was shocked upon what she saw.

"Ahh... Sooyoung Good Morning." Dokja greeted to sooyoung with a smile.

"Dokja... Yo-youu..." Sooyoung was so shocked that she was stuttering.

"Hmm? What is it?" Dokja asked, but then he realizes that there's something wrong. His voice seemed different. Then he also looked at his hands and also touched his face, after a while his reaction became similar to Sooyoung.

"M-my voice... My face... EH!! Wh-what the..."


"I-I'M A..."

"CHILD?!!!" Both of them shouted in unison so loud that woke up the other people in the complex.

In a state of alarm Hyunsung was the first one to arrived Dokja's room, he rushed towards the while bringing his weapon with him.

"WHAT'S THE EMERGENCY?!!" But when he arrived he didn't expect to see what was in front of him and dropped the shield that he was holding.


"What's with the ruckus so early in the morning?" After hyunsung, heewon while complaining about the loud noise was the next to arrive at Dokja's room.

"Hyunsung, hey what's wrong?" Heewon called hyunsung when she felt that something is wrong when she saw hyunsung was motionless.

But when she saw what was inside Dokja's room she had the same face and expression as Hyunsung was having.

After a while, jihye along with the kids was the next to arrive at Dokja's room and also had the same surprised and speechless reaction with heewon and hyunsung.




The three of them all shouted at the same time.

Yoo Sangah along with Lee Sookyung, Persephone, Uriel and the other two constellations were the last to arrive at the scene.

With almost everyone at Dokja's room having the same gaping faces, because none of them did expect what they were witnessing right now.

"My, my" Persephone exclaimed

"Son?" Lee Sookyung was baffled.

"MAKNAE YOU?!" Wukong shouted while pointing at Dokja's direction

While Abyssal Black Flame Dragon who didn't know what was going asked in confusion "Huh? Who's this?"

Yoo Sangah let out a heavy sigh and asked Sooyoung for the explanation. "Sooyoung, what happened?"

Sooyoung on the other hand was rubbing her forehead in frustration because she more or less expected something to happen to the dumb squid. "Ugh... Fuck just ask that bastard over there why this happened."

As for Uriel she was filled with excitement. "KYAAAAAAA!!! DOKJA-YA IS SO CUTEEEEEEE <3" Uriel squealed, as she took out her phone and rapidly took photos of Dokja.

With almost everyone gathered in Dokja's room, Dokja was embarrassed to let them see him in this state. With his clothes outgrowing him he didn't have anything to cover his body except for the blanket.

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